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Lingering pain in left jaw

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It's pissing me off :mad:. Been like this for a while but it wasn't bad at all until the last week or so.


I called the doctor for an appointment but the earliest they can do is the 29th which is more than 10 days away. Should I go to the dentist instead?


It's not my teeth, it's more like the bit in between the upper and lower jaw. Every time I open my mouth fairly wide, pain shoots into that area of my face. I can handle the pain, but the aggravation is irritating beyond belief and I don't know what it is (I'm suspecting TMJ, but I don't like to self-diagnose).


Any suggestions?

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TMJ or night grinding are two potentials. I did a lot of the latter when caregiving and ended up with jaw joint pain. My jaw would also 'crack' when opened wide, like yawning.


My first stop would be at an oral and maxillofacial surgeon's office. In my case, I brought the issue to the attention of my dentist, they fashioned a night guard to try and that resolved the issue.

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