Ireallyscrewedup Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 My husband and i have been seperated for 3 mths! we were fighting a lot and he mived in with his parents to get away and regroup. Basically i put us in debt with my spending and he wanted me to get a grip and thought moving out woukd do it. Well in these 3 mths ive managed to get us back out of debt by working my butt off and putting every extra dime to debt. Hes been happy and is ready to come back home and has been coming to stay over and weve been having sex still well we didnt have safe sex and he asked me if it was ok to do it inside me and i said yes. He knows im typically very aware of my concieving time and etc. well ive commited the worst act of betrayal and knew if i had sex with him last week it was my fertile time. I guess i was desperate to 'keep him' little did i know he was already planning on moving back home. Now i fear im pregnant and hes going to know i did this on purpose. Please give me advice i already know im horrible so i dont need to hear it anymore Link to post Share on other sites
Soxfaninfl Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 You should not feel bad. He took the risk of having an orgasim inside you. It's the risk you take when you have sex. My ex-wife was off the pill when she got pregnant because I didn't like to pull out. My ex-wife divorced me when my son was 8 years old, and I'm glad he was born. My wife may not love me anymore, but my son will always love me. He is the best son a dad could have, and I wouldnt trade that for anything in this world. Link to post Share on other sites
Tiberius Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 Give me an A, give me a B, tell him as soon as possible so you can both decide on wether to keep the child or to get an abortion to have a baby when he feels the 2 of you are financially more stable. Unless you 2 are one of those ppl whom think abortion is wrong and ammoral and buuh. Link to post Share on other sites
jf2good Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 "fear your pregnant" Either you are or you aren't and if the little tester say your PG, you are 99.9% of the time, might as well say 100%. So do women really have unprotected sex and not want to get pregnant? Men if you don't cover it up, your on the hook financially, so unless you want to support a kid, cover it. So you wanted to get pregnant is the answer, else you would have gotten the morning after pill. The question is do you think you can real in the fish that almost got away because your PG now? Honestly it isn't fair to the child your going to have. I don't believe in abortions, morning after is okay, so I can't say go kill the child, but a bad marriage because of the "children" isn't the best solution for the "children" Link to post Share on other sites
Yasuandio Posted October 21, 2012 Share Posted October 21, 2012 Us human beings really make poor decisions sometimes. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
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