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have known eachither since 1987

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Long story short


We met years ago , I ended up with one of his friends and that relationship ended after many years and 2 kids .


We always kept in contact , a few months ago we started dating ( he moved here from 3000 miles away ) . He has a terminal illness that I have always known about .


Due to the illness and the stage of it he has become paranoid about things . He thinks that I am out to hurt him. It is simple things to extreme things .


Non the less this is a stressful thing for me because I love him so much . During one of his accusation I told him that I can't handle it and that I feel miserable and lately all I do is cry .


I don't want to ask him to leave here because I do care a great deal . I just do not know how to get back to the friends part of this . He really has no one except a brother and that relationship is strained big time . As well he lives on a island that cannot handle his medical needs I assume .


Its hard to be in the house without hugging him ( one of my fav things with him ).

How do I deal with this and not lose my mind .

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You may want to go a Google search of the side effects of the medications he is taking, as many medications can significently cause personality changes. Also, you may want to have his vitamin B-12 levels checked and other B vitamins can help as well.

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This is apart of his illness . he has Huntingtons Diease . He is in the finale stages of this .

I never expected him to lash outon me with all of this . I am the one that has been there for him , at times it could only be phone call when we lived so far apart. But non the less I was there .


I woke up again a few times durning the night and currently it is 4 A.M and I'm wide awake . I'm so confussed on how to deal with these things . I feel like he is intentionally hurting me but then the other part of me has to remember it is the sickness .


I layed on my bex and just cried for close to 5 hours yesterday and he kept on asking what was wrong when I go to answer him he would say I'm not dealing with this bulcrap. So I just did not talk to him ... I don't know anymore .

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