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He knows he won't find anyone better, but he's finding out for himself.

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If you haven't read my backstory, I dated this guy for 2 and a half years. Broke up in July, didn't talk again until a few weeks ago.

2 weeks ago: went on a date, kissed, talked about reconciling. Said we'd see where things went.

Last weekend: spent the whole weekend with him, did all of our old couple things. Had sex, and he said he was pretty sure we'd be together soon. Told me he'd miss holding me at night. I asked him out, he said he wasn't sure. Next day, he told me he still didn't know if anything was out there and still wanted his freedom.


This past Friday, we went to a movie/dinner. After, we were sitting in his car, talking, and I tried to kiss him. He wouldn't kiss me and said it wasn't fair to me. He said everything that had happened over the past 2 weeks was because he didn't want to stop it and upset me (which I know is bull). He told me the love wasn't there. I started sobbing in front of him and told him that it was insulting that he thinks something else is out there when I'm here in front of him. Next, it's inconsiderate to toy with my emotions because I lost my mom to cancer this year as well as him, and they were both my best friends. I told him it's so hard to have someone for as long as I had him, lose them, have them come back, and then lose them again. I told him that everyone thinks I deserve better than him, even HIS friends. I basically told him that I felt he was only keeping me around until something else came along. He swore this wasn't true and told me to stop making him out to be a bad person. He said he really did care about me and wanted to see how I was, and if he did meet a girl, he still wanted to be my friend. I told him friendship was impossible in that case. Then, I told him that I just wanted another chance for us to be happy because I knew we could be. I told him that he was going to realize one day that I was the right girl, and by then, it could be too late. He said, "Maybe you're right. I already know I won't find anyone as pretty, smart, or funny as you... but I need to find out on my own. I can't make a quick decision right now, but I'm not going to say we will never get back together." I left him with this: "You already know I want us to be together, but this isn't fair to me. I'm willing to work on this with you, so let me know what you decide."


I didn't expect to hear from him after that, but the next day, I get a call from him asking to go somewhere with him. He said he had plans with a guy friend that night but would cancel them for me. So I went shopping with him, had dinner with his parents, and spent time with all of them. At the bookstore, he was sitting across from me, and I saw him text under the table and instantly got mad and told him it was rude. I knew it was a girl. He apologized and said, "Remember what we talked about last night... I have to find out for myself." We hung out until 4 AM, and when he finally left, we hugged each other, and he kissed me good night.


I know this is so confusing and screwed up, but I know for sure that what's happened over these past few weekends with him is not fabricated. I feel like he does like me but isn't sure because he just has to see for himself that the grass isn't greener. In the past when something like this occurred, he always came back around, and I feel like he will now. It's just so hard because I do love him very much. I just can't sit here and wait in the meantime.

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Ugh!! this just brought up old memories from my "EX"..get it...EX...he said all those things to me...strung me along for a few months made me think he was really thinking about us. He told me he had to do this for himself...in actuality there was a girl he was interested in. He had the nerve to say "I have all these feelings for you but need to make sure they are not false" >>>WTF...He would say "maybe someday Dollface and I know this may come back some day and bite me in the A** but I need to do this for myself, I'm not asking you to wait for me because I don't know what I want." It just pisses me off that people do this to another person....you know him better than anyone else...do you want a man who does this to you?

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