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I dont know what to think.....

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So, I'll make a long story short. It might sound like im in highschool with this scenario but im not im 23! lol so just warning you now....anyways I work with this guy that I have been interested in for a few months...no one really knows and i deff dont show my interest to him...we are friendly but im distant....anyways ive grown to really really like him and always hope it will turn into something because he is soon going to be working the same shift i do. Anyways....i was talking to a girl i work with last night only to find out he has been trying to hang out with her and get her number for a few months now but she has a bf so its not going anywhere.....i pretended to laugh about it when she told me even though it sorta hurt in a weird way...so i told her "omg i should set u guys up" ...once again trying to hide my interest in him...and she acted like that might be an option...i feel hurt and i didnt even have him and he has NO IDEA how interested i truly am...and now i know if he did want something he would of stepped up to the plate with me like he did with her....anyone ever been in this type of situation...i feel like i need to just distance myself and stop talking to him to try to now like him...but thats hard in the type of work we do....sigh.....opinions...criticizing remarks...they are all welcomed!

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I think it's always an iffy situation when you start to date someone with whom you work because if it goes sour, then you're stuck seeing them every day or however often you work together.


I think your idea of distancing yourself is a good one. He doesn't seem interested in you, sorry...I know that hurts, unrequited love! I was in that situation when I was about your age, madly in love with a friend for years, but he was never interested.


How about finding another guy to date?

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If you like him, stop being distant. He probably thinks you don't like him. I used to do that in high school. If I liked a guy, I never showed it. Never. And I would just sit around hoping he'll suddenly realize how perfect we are 4 eachother and ask me out. It doesn't work like that in real life. If u act like u don't care, he'll think you don't care. He hasn't asked u out because he thinks you're not interested.


Give him hints. Try to be as obvious as u can because boys are not very smart when it comes to picking up signals from girls(sorry boys, but it's true). Ask him out if you feel u have the courage. If he says he's busy, then well you have your answer. If he says yes then great! Good luck. Hope it works out.

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