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What is wrong with him?Anyone please respond with medical/psycological advice/seizure disorder emot

still confussed!

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still confussed!

Tony,sorry but your advice wasn't much help-so let me elaborate:I was very intimate with a second cousin(no blood relation)when I was little.At some point after not talking to him for awile,I found him and we started talking.We really hit it off.He talked romantic-like.He talked about seeing me.He said he doesn't remember much about us when we were little and he'd tease me a little-which irritated me about it!All of a sudden,the last time we spoke-I asked him to stop playing games-I wanted to know what I am to him.He said I didn't understand him,know him,he didn't feel this cousin-loyaltity as I did,he didn't care if I hurtmyself because of all these games.He previously mentioned that he was jilted from a 5yr. relationship with a "physcho" and he pushes people away who get to close.He wants to just date in general.He ends up saying dating me sounds like fun for me to send a photo. Unfortunately this is a long distance relationship and I have to wait awhile before I can see him. Please KEEP in mind my ENTIRE LIFE revolves arround the FATE belief!What's this mean?How far am I too push?What do I do?ALSO,I'm wondering if this all of a sudden meaness and his memory loss are indicators of a serious mental disorder like multiple personality disorder and whether this memory loss has to do with him having seizures?I know he has had them lately.I haven't talked to him for a month I'm so worried,but afraid to talk to him about it. Please help with any medical other advice if you can .Thanks.

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I am certainly no expert on seizure disorders, however, my grandmother suffers serious seizure activity, and always has an period just before her seizures where she becomes quite angry and aggressive. She also suffers from almost complete memory loss for up to 2 weeks following seizures.


Maybe you could check around for some web sites on the subject. I'm sure they would help you find some more info.

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