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Looking for tips on flirting and best ideas on how to approach women

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I know the title sounds very pathetic lol, but hear me out. I just recently got out of a 2 year relationship, girlfriend decided she didn't love me anymore, but im getting over that and thats just another story. This weekend me and my buddies are planning to go out to a bar and stuff and just chill. I haven't been single in 2 years so i kindive forgot whats the best ways of approaching a woman and flirting a little bit without totally being a creep lol. Anybody got any tips to help refresh my mind a little bit and try to get this guy back in the single game.


I guess this breakup kinda made me lose some of my esteem, so im hoping this weekend i can gain some of that back, but i always usually had little bit of problems of being awkward around people i dont know at first. I suppose im trying to build my confidence up as well to try to improve myself. So can anybody help a little? Im sure some people can relate after being in a break up and then feel like nobody wants to talk to ya.

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Find a woman who interests you


Try to make eye contact


Walk up to her


Say hello


Start a conversation

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its a good indication that women are interested when they look at you and smile at you. Pick up lines and techniques don't really work on me.


Just be you. And ask questions. But not stalker questions.

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