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I Can Not Take My Boyfriend"s Sister

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I reeeeeeelly dislike my boyfriend's sister....she is a BITCH and a half....She was the only girl in the family but when i came to live with her family (by the way..she's 28 and OUT of the damn house) she threw a hissy fit and tries desperatly to turn the whole family against me....She is a jealous psycho with self-esteem issues..what's worse the family listens to her!!!! BTW she was married for 5 years and when i moved in it happened around the time she got divorced...the bitch blames me?!?!?! I know crazy fricken psycho...any ideas on how to cope with her??

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It is called being insecure......I hate my honeys brother but I deal.......


There is not way to "deal" just be yourself and take her with a grain of salt......

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You have no choice but to put up with her. That's you're boyfriend's sister. And of course the family is going to take her side over you even if you're not the guilty party. That's blood ties right there.

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Are you calling me insecure???? I'm confused...the rough part is get this...I live with em...he and his family..i am forced to right now....she is around...CONSTANTLY.... any suggstions????

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