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Sex in the house

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Ok here's my problem I'm married and my husband's 19 yr. old son lives with us too. Recently he has been hanging out with this girl allot. We asked him if he was dating her and he told us no, she has a boyfriend. From this girl stopping by maybe twice a week she's over everynight. The other night she came over and I asked him if she does have a boyfriend then why is she here everynight and calling here the minute you get home from work. I found out she no longer has a boyfriend and that she's been sleeping with my stepson in my house. I told my husband that I didn't want her spending the night anymore and that I didn't think that they should have sex in the house. He said what is the big deal and I said well if your mother would have stopped you from having sex in your house you wouldn't have a 19yr old, and you're only 39yrs. old. Now it' a big argument and I look like the fool. Because my husband did tell his son that I didn't want her to sleep over anymore. Now when were at work and he has the day off she comes over and has sex during the day. What can I do because my husband now agrees with me about the no sex in the house, how do I tell him again without getting into an argument that they are still having sex while were at work.

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You need to be very firm about this. Obviously, your husband did not teach his son respect for authority while he was growing up. He has to learn to follow rules. This is your house and you simply will not condone this activity in your house. You just don't want it.


Make your stepson aware that you know he and his lady are having sex in the house during the day and you simply don't want this to happen. Let him know that if he cannot accept the rules you set for conduct in the house, he should make other living arrangements.


Prior to the talk, you may make a list of alternative venues for his sexual intercourse. There are lots of places outside your home for your stepson to do the wahtusi. I have always found it really exciting in an obscure part of an outdoor wooded park. Under bridges was always a nice place, if I could clear the bums out. You have to go underneath where the bridge starts and each side.


The backseat of a car is really nice. The roof of a tall building is great if the weather is cool and there are usually no people there. Anywhere way out in the country is nice and safe. What about her house? If you are good enough for them to disrespect, why can't they disrespect HER parents too.


Give him some suggestions. Let him go on the Internet, perhaps even here at the LoveShack, and let people tell of their experiences in making whoopie outside the home. There are many chatrooms and message boards on the subject. Sex is a pretty big topic on the net.


You might just want to slip a good helping of saltpeter in his tea at dinner time. They do that in jails and in the military to keep inmates and troops from getting horny in the absence of appropriate sexual outlets. A few days of the stuff and he may no longer have the desire. Bet you never thought of that.


Stick to you guns on this one. If this guy won't keep his screwing out of the home, screw him out of a place to stay. I would never tolerate that kind of disrepect from anyone.

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If he is livig off of you and your husband, you have every right to expect him to abide by the house rules. If he wants to move out, he can do what he wants.

You need to be very firm about this. Obviously, your husband did not teach his son respect for authority while he was growing up. He has to learn to follow rules. This is your house and you simply will not condone this activity in your house. You just don't want it. Make your stepson aware that you know he and his lady are having sex in the house during the day and you simply don't want this to happen. Let him know that if he cannot accept the rules you set for conduct in the house, he should make other living arrangements. Prior to the talk, you may make a list of alternative venues for his sexual intercourse. There are lots of places outside your home for your stepson to do the wahtusi. I have always found it really exciting in an obscure part of an outdoor wooded park. Under bridges was always a nice place, if I could clear the bums out. You have to go underneath where the bridge starts and each side. The backseat of a car is really nice. The roof of a tall building is great if the weather is cool and there are usually no people there. Anywhere way out in the country is nice and safe. What about her house? If you are good enough for them to disrespect, why can't they disrespect HER parents too. Give him some suggestions. Let him go on the Internet, perhaps even here at the LoveShack, and let people tell of their experiences in making whoopie outside the home. There are many chatrooms and message boards on the subject. Sex is a pretty big topic on the net. You might just want to slip a good helping of saltpeter in his tea at dinner time. They do that in jails and in the military to keep inmates and troops from getting horny in the absence of appropriate sexual outlets. A few days of the stuff and he may no longer have the desire. Bet you never thought of that. Stick to you guns on this one. If this guy won't keep his screwing out of the home, screw him out of a place to stay. I would never tolerate that kind of disrepect from anyone.
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