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When is right time to call a guy after getting his number


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When's the right time to call a guy after getting his number?? ..I MET A GREAT GUY TODAY HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER AND SAY I WAS A cutie ..BUT WHEN IS THE GOOD TIME TO CALL HIM ..I Dont want to seem desperate....

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I hardly think you'll seem desperate the very first time. Its only if you call too often that you might be perceived as desperate. However Id say if you wait longer than two days, he might begin to think you never intended to call, or lost interest.

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Never get a guy's number and never call him. If he likes you enough he will ask for yours and call.

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Never get a guy's number and never call him. If he likes you enough he will ask for yours and call.


Yeah, never heard of a guy giving woman his number, weird.

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Oh come on now people. Its 2012 and its not new that a guy give a girl his number. Some dudes do this in order to gauge a chicks interest. Some may do it just so she will know hes into her and the ball is in her court.


OP, Id say hit him up whenever you feel comfy. Do it today if you want. Just dont wait to long. There are no rules. If you like him, hit him up.


Ive taken out my phone before and given it to a girl and told her to put her number in it. And Ive also asked to use her phone because "mine is dead" and then put my number in her phone right in front of her. They get the deal, and its never been an issue.

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When's the right time to call a guy after getting his number?? ..I MET A GREAT GUY TODAY HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER AND SAY I WAS A cutie ..BUT WHEN IS THE GOOD TIME TO CALL HIM ..I Dont want to seem desperate....

Are you saying he didn't take your number?

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Oh, please, now we have men that play the woman's game?


Giving a girl the number and expecting her to do the initial leg work shows laziness, not too much interest, fear (of rejection), insecurity, etc. Women like men that take charge. Acting coy without really being coy is a female thing.


Why do mean have to copy women and why are women copying men? Dating with no gender differences must be boring.

Agreed. But I do like the middle ground -- just exchange numbers. Why should one party have the number but not the other? Exchanging numbers shows mutual interest, even if the guy will place the initial call/text.

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I think as men have more testosterone (you'd hope) and are generally more aggressive, it is naturally suited to them to be the pursuer intially at least. I'm a big believer in working for a relationship with equal effort both from men and women but in my experience it isn't good for a man to get too comfortable or complacent early on and not required to do the work. This is as true now than it was 20 years ago.


From what I have seen during my dating life is that assertiveness from a man in the beginning will quite reasonably indicate how good he is at conflict resolution for example. ie the more timid, shy he is, the less likely that he will provide the masculine balance in a relationship.


It's not so much the traditional gender roles, it's more the recognition that men still have the job of being at least as strong and as direct as the woman in the relationship. In my experience, they don't enjoy the lead role taken away from them and they certainly have the sort of immaturity about them that somehow lessens their enjoyment of something they got quite easily.


Basically, they don't have much respect for you if you chase them.

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Agreed. But I do like the middle ground -- just exchange numbers. Why should one party have the number but not the other? Exchanging numbers shows mutual interest, even if the guy will place the initial call/text.


I never take the man's number. I think that makes it very clear who should call and they always do.

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I never take the man's number. I think that makes it very clear who should call and they always do.

Fair enough. I've done that a few times. I guess it does show/take confidence for a woman to do that. But it could also turn off a guy who was otherwise interested, because he might think that you're not interested or are too cocky. I take a guy's number even if I might never text/call him first, just because it shows that I'm not so uptight and cocky.

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ok everone this is what happen so i was at work. this guy i have seen him a few times and evertime he comes in hes always looking and jsut staring at me and smiling .so yesterday i saw him and we say hi then he say your such a cutie and i say well thank you and he keeps looking at me with those big blue and green eyes lol then i say well can i have your number so i ask him and i never ask a guy for his number before this is the first time but i felt he may have taken longer to ask me for mine beacuse of the enviroment we were in i was working and there were alot of people in there and i could tell he was very shy when i ask he say ok i will give you mine plz text me yours and i say ok...so maybe i should have ask when is a good time to text a guy lol haha

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ok everone this is what happen so i was at work. this guy i have seen him a few times and evertime he comes in hes always looking and jsut staring at me and smiling .so yesterday i saw him and we say hi then he say your such a cutie and i say well thank you and he keeps looking at me with those big blue and green eyes lol then i say well can i have your number so i ask him and i never ask a guy for his number before this is the first time but i felt he may have taken longer to ask me for mine beacuse of the enviroment we were in i was working and there were alot of people in there and i could tell he was very shy when i ask he say ok i will give you mine plz text me yours and i say ok...so maybe i should have ask when is a good time to text a guy lol haha


He said text him - you should have done so yesterday. Just text him --- please stop over thinking this.


"Hey this is Taya, from "so and so",how are you doing? "

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He said text him - you should have done so yesterday. Just text him --- please stop over thinking this.


"Hey this is Taya, from "so and so",how are you doing? "



i couldent have text him yesterday it was too late i saw him around 11 pm and got off work at 2 am ..and am really not over thinking it i have just never ask a guy for his number so just wondering what others think lol

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I dont think there is anything wrong with a woman taking a man's number. Its not hard to put the ball back in his court to create the illusion that he is making the decision ;).

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I think as men have more testosterone (you'd hope) and are generally more aggressive, it is naturally suited to them to be the pursuer intially at least. I'm a big believer in working for a relationship with equal effort both from men and women but in my experience it isn't good for a man to get too comfortable or complacent early on and not required to do the work. This is as true now than it was 20 years ago.


From what I have seen during my dating life is that assertiveness from a man in the beginning will quite reasonably indicate how good he is at conflict resolution for example. ie the more timid, shy he is, the less likely that he will provide the masculine balance in a relationship.


It's not so much the traditional gender roles, it's more the recognition that men still have the job of being at least as strong and as direct as the woman in the relationship. In my experience, they don't enjoy the lead role taken away from them and they certainly have the sort of immaturity about them that somehow lessens their enjoyment of something they got quite easily.


Basically, they don't have much respect for you if you chase them.


Hah...well women have uteruses and stronger maternal feelings, they should stay home and stop trying to work. Also their hormones are in flux more often than men and it interferes with their thinking, they shouldn't be voting for important issues.


I actually do agree that men should be initiating, but what a stupid way of dressing up "I want men to approach me because Im scared of getting rejected" with some stupid pseudo-science.

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Never get a guy's number and never call him. If he likes you enough he will ask for yours and call.


This is the problem right here. Some women are reluctant to give out their number so a guy offers theirs and leaves the ball in their court.


There's nothing wrong with a woman calling a man.


Stupid games, I say.

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i couldent have text him yesterday it was too late i saw him around 11 pm and got off work at 2 am ..and am really not over thinking it i have just never ask a guy for his number so just wondering what others think lol


Do you work in a bar or a club?

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I think many men are sick of doing the asking, the pursuing, the paying. That's why so many have given up and just spend the weekend drinking with their buddies. It's time for women to ask directly like they're grown-ups, not sending juvenile signals, expecting a man to phone them, or playing mind games to make the man think he's doing the leading, when in reality she's jerking him around. If you play the part of the prey while he's the hunter, you'll get the guys who just want to pump and dump (and not in the stock market sense).

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For truly shy non-player type men with little dating experience it is quite acceptable for the woman to take the initiative. Otherwise, nothing happens. Shy men often need a big push. However, these guys may be the better BF to most women.


yeah i never talk to a shy guy before always the ones that will come right up to you and ask no matter what ..so this was a little weard me asking him so i wanted to know if what i did was normal or a big turn off

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When you look like you do in your avatar then I can't really imagine a way you can **** this up. Unless you get run over by a bus and somehow gain 50lbs the next morning, I'm pretty sure you could have the worst personality imaginable and still get it. If you want a serious relationship with the guy then let me find a quote from Jerry Lavigne Jr:


"no pussy is better than new pussy"


Also, try to call sooner before he starts to forget how hot you are

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I think as men have more testosterone (you'd hope) and are generally more aggressive, it is naturally suited to them to be the pursuer intially at least. I'm a big believer in working for a relationship with equal effort both from men and women but in my experience it isn't good for a man to get too comfortable or complacent early on and not required to do the work. This is as true now than it was 20 years ago.


From what I have seen during my dating life is that assertiveness from a man in the beginning will quite reasonably indicate how good he is at conflict resolution for example. ie the more timid, shy he is, the less likely that he will provide the masculine balance in a relationship.


It's not so much the traditional gender roles, it's more the recognition that men still have the job of being at least as strong and as direct as the woman in the relationship. In my experience, they don't enjoy the lead role taken away from them and they certainly have the sort of immaturity about them that somehow lessens their enjoyment of something they got quite easily.


Basically, they don't have much respect for you if you chase them.



what a bunch of bull haha i mean that in the most respect but i have never take a guy number before this but i have friends ands see girls that have and

not beacuse they take there number means there easy somee man need to be push they are shy ..i have a friend that told me that when she ask her bf now for his number he tald her not the smae day buy later down the line that he was praying she would ask him beacuse he was too shy to ask her ..not all men are the same some of them enjoy a woman taking charge

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I think many men are sick of doing the asking, the pursuing, the paying. That's why so many have given up and just spend the weekend drinking with their buddies. It's time for women to ask directly like they're grown-ups, not sending juvenile signals, expecting a man to phone them, or playing mind games to make the man think he's doing the leading, when in reality she's jerking him around. If you play the part of the prey while he's the hunter, you'll get the guys who just want to pump and dump (and not in the stock market sense).

More men are playing mind games these days than women. They are lazy jerks who expect women to do all the work -- so that they can just fool them into having a ONS and then poof, disappear into thin air.

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Oh, please, now we have men that play the woman's game?
Womens game? Get with the times old man. Its 2012, and if you want someone to contact you, you can give them your number or get their. Fvk these stupid gender rules.. Its never been a problem for me.


Giving a girl the number and expecting her to do the initial leg work shows laziness, not too much interest, fear (of rejection), insecurity, etc. Women like men that take charge. Acting coy without really being coy is a female thing.
Initial leg work? How hard is it to text someone and take it from there? Its not a big deal. How is it lazy and fearing rejection? If anything a girl can say no thanks to taking your number, the same way she can say no thanks to giving you hers.


Either way the man puts himself out there. Based on your silly, offensive, and antiquated views regarding women and their careers, sexuality, and other things....I know better than to take anything you say seriously.


Btw, Ive taken a girls phone, put my number in it, and said "ok just letting you know youre calling me tomorrow night". And guess what? She later told me she liked how confident and in control of the situation I was.

Why do mean have to copy women and why are women copying men? Dating with no gender differences must be boring.

Lmao @ you wanting people to be pigeonholded to silly cultural gender norms. Maybe in your view men are copying women, but in many other parts of the world, this isnt a big deal.

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