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I want a girlfriend, dammit!

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Someone to hold, someone to kiss, someone to make love to, someone to cook for, someone to lay around and watch movies with, someone to go driving with, someone to go to the beach with, someone to go on walks with, someone to look at the odd folk of LA with, someone to go to sleep with, someone to wake up with, someone to experience this insanity called life with.







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Hehe... u make it sound so sweet. Good guy..good guy. LOL. I got to the point where I was really missing being in relationship. Then I found my bf... my angel. And all those things that couples who really mean something to each other do or say that I used to laugh at and think were cheesy... well, i do them with my bf. And I love being with him... the little things (like u listed) make it so wonderful.


You'll find her Kev... easily by the look of you. Just don't be too picky.. you find the best people that fit really well and the ones you can really make it work with aren't always the type you'd normally approach. Get out and have fun though :)

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Awe Kev. You sound so cute.

I felt that way too. I wanted a bf soo bad. I would go dressesd up to the supermarket just in case you know?

But one day when I was in the rain, mascara everywhere, looking like death.. I met him. lol


And now I finally understood what all those love songs were talking about and I had someone to rest my head on while they were driving. Someone to curl up and watch cartoons with or sports w/e.


You can't look for it Kev you have to just let it find you! Believe me mine came with an umbrella and stole my heart.. you could walk into a casting call and be swept away.

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Just don't be too picky.. you find the best people that fit really well and the ones you can really make it work with aren't always the type you'd normally approach. Get out and have fun though :)


That is so true!! My girlfriend now, was someone that i wasnt completely comfortable with approaching and one that took me alittle while before i realized that she was definately relationship material. Boy is she!! I am so freakin happy right now! She's my girl, and id do anything for her. Kevin, I think you'll be alright man. I was in the same boat not too long ago. I really started wanting one in the back of my mind. Up front it took me a little courage to jump into one, but now that i have its the best thing thats ever happened to me. Good luck!!



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It is important to be open to other people but you Do need standards.


What are your current deal breakers for a potential GF? Things she must or can't have- run 'em by us Kev. Let's see how high your standards are. ;):D

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Hey Kevvvyy.. lol jk I changes my avatar becaue my a** was annoying some people lol and so now I have a bunny butt because I have't taken a nice pic of me yet. But when I do you'll be the first to see my face.


You sound so lonely..I've been there. I ate soo much ice cream and worked out at the gym like a maniac. I was checking out everyguy thinking could it be him could it be him, he could be a good boyfriend right? It was bad.


But then finally like wellnowuknow I gave up searching and started spendind time on myself. I got really hot and waited for love to find me and I found me a bf. Too bad we broke up now but it was fun while it lasted. Its just he was missing that spark. I need that extra chemistry spark that one you can just feel through their eyes.. or if not I feel like Im wasting my time.


Anyways, Your freaking gorgeous, smart, funny and your smile is wow! lol You should be fine finding a girlfriend. Just don't settle for anything to fill the void thats where people mess up.


And also if your lonely I'm in miami come visit we'll hit up a club or go for drinks. I have very good girls for friends many single lol ;) I have friends in UCF to Ill hook you up man! loljk


Good Luck in your search.

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Put it out to the Universe, Kevin. You know - the stuff Deepak talks about. Know what you want and ask for it. But be real specific :laugh: I've done it a couple of times and gotten an answer - it's just that I'd get 'everything I want' in the guy plus a whole lot of 'extras' that I didn't want at all, like alcoholism :laugh: Oh, right. Those were 'learning experiences' LOL. But really, tell the Universe what you need. And have faith it will come to you.

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I wish I would have got to this question sooner.


I got a question why do you want a girlfriend?

as soon as you answer the question I will answer yours.


But Lustmonkey has some ideas of what it is.

a.) You don't feel complete

b.) society deems it neccessary for you to a girlfriend


a.) You won't feel complete after you have one anyways. Get a life and some passions and then get a girlfriend

b.) f*** society. It doesn't want to help you. It is just like marriage. That hellhole. That is for a different thread


But if I don't know the answer just write it down more clearly. Go outside and live. You sound like Ashok... He almost had the same exact problem.

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hey kev..



yea..although im a bloke and as all the ladies have pretty much said...and dont worry...im far from gay..lol..but you are one good looking guy man!!




the one piece of advice that ill give you is....and has worked for countless amounts of people i know... LET THEM COME TO YOU!


the more and more you stop trying to look for one ...the chances are they will try to do all the hard work....


and one thing....my sister has told me this too much..and hence i dont do it anymore...women find it a turn off to be moaning about your situation or yourself....even though the subject is sensitive and quite sweet....


but basically dude....you've got the looks...im sure you have the personality....leave them alone...and they will come running....:)


g'luck buddy

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It's just the point of sharing your life with someone special...not that your insecure or incomplete within yourself... I don't believe that. You sound like every woman's dream.... truely. Don't think that you will find this special someone down the road, at a bar, or within a 50 mile radius of you.... she's out there somewhere, wishes for you as you are of her. God has a plan for you and it will happen when he feels your ready for it to happen. Keep faith in yourself and the Lord.


One night stands may ease some pain... if you know what I mean... but they aren't what you are looking for... I think we all know this...


Give it time... and best of wishes to you....

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First let me say it definitely ain't because of society or completion that I want a girlfriend. I just want one because, well, I want one.


I'm happy as I am now, but I would just love to have all those things I listed out before.


Honestly, I dunno, sometimes I just feel like I'm way out of place here in Hollywood. Like my look doesn't attract girls whatsoever. I'm too clean cut, I think, too normal, I NEVER notice girls checking me out whatsoever, ANYWHERE I go, but I know how girls are, in general and especially here, it's almost like showing interest in a guy is a sign of weakness. They sure as HELL don't show any interest on movie or TV sets. I dunno what the **** it is. Some kind of pheromone? Pretty damn frustrating.


Perhaps I just too abrasive. I figure girls are used to getting flirty supernice guys who just want to get into their pants. I pull the charming bastard angle. It's fun, at least, but usually my sarcasm is either lost on them or turns them off or whatever.


And of course the ones who get my jokes and react well have fiancees. It's like a pre-req here in LA/Hollywood. Every cute chick HAS to have a boyfriend or a fiancee. Feh.


Although this guy at work did tell me I was lava hot and that I have no idea what I'm working with, so that was nice to hear.

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Kev you are absolutely adorable and dating in California is a B with an Itch. Good things come to those who wait and I am confident that someone really fabulous is waiting in the wings. Kick back cowboy, have a cocktail and let the real you come shining through - everything else is up to the universe :love:

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Maybe your too laid back for California and your dream girl isn't there?


God works in mysterious ways. My theory is that you may not find that girl right now.


The time in your life right now is to be in california and be focusing on your career. Which is what you should be doing.


But a girlfriend right now? Are you even going to have time for her? Are you going to be able to give complete commitment to another person right now?

I don't think so but maybe I'm wrong.


Go out on dates and meet girls and have a great time but as for settling down with a girlfriend right now I don't think it's that time yet.


So just 'go with the flow' enjoy California, the ladies, the auditions, the drinks, the music. Have a good time and when life thinks it's time you'll lock eyes with that one girl and everything will be great!!:)

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They sure as HELL don't show any interest on movie or TV sets


Kevin, I suspect that those places are so rife with players (pun and double meaning intended) that most gals who've been on more than one set have sworn off dating any men they meet there. Can you do anything 'normal' in LA like maybe some volunteer work or join some sort of club or society? I know your schedule is probably unpredictable but could you take a course? You need to hang where regular mortals spend their time - if you can figure out where that is.


Heck, maybe become a regular on 'Blind Date'. Seems sometimes people meet compatible people! :)

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