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guy's enterntainment.....gone too far?

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just do what you think fits best with the situation

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last night, he said when we're in public, he tries not to look out of respect for me. He said if he sees a pretty girl, he'll look once. He made it clear that he's human and likes to LOOK...thats it. Here's part of our convo last night, and i keep adding what he said on Yahoo so you guys will actually SEE what he said....


me : so your not necessarily obssessed w/ WOMEN, you just like to LOOK alot

drzeus01 :and that's not bad

drzeus01 : or wrong

drzeus01 : and no need to add "alot" on there either...

drzeus01 : babe, that's another thing...

drzeus01 : I don't WISH I could touch either...

me : do you think women fight urges too, when their in public w/ their partner?

drzeus01 : yes, I think they probly do

drzeus01 : cause it's a normal thing for HUMANS to do...

drzeus01 : whether they admit it or not...

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