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Signs of someone using cocaine

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thats exactly how I got when I went through my two week coke binge...especially for people who often have an overabundance of energy as it is...coke made me feel like I was going to spontaneously combust!!! but that is defenitely the signs that someone is using cocaine.

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Wow well the reason I say is cuz I've had my bout with smoking binges and usages and sadly that's how it made me feel.


Interesting to know the same happens when you snort it. But in agreeance yes that is a huge indicator someone's using.

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yes well I'm bipolar and if i'm already having a manic day and I do coke (which I would never touch the stuff again but before)...I would flip out...I mean CraZyNesS...worse than that girl was saying...eyes bugging out of my head...of course I was feind for the two weeks I did it so I'm sure I was on system overload anyway...dangerous scary stuff...so glad I escaped! :eek:

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Hi, this is my first time to this site. I found it today while doing a web search to find "signs of someone using cocaine". I have been suspecting that my b/f of 8 years has been doing it. It started about a year ago, when all of a sudden he would start messing w/ my head telling me he's doing, just to get a reaction out of me. When I'd get mad enough or about to leave, he'd tell me he's joking and he'd never do it. Well, he has easy access to it, and people he works w/ do it also. Lately, it's been really bad. He mostly stays away when I think he does it b/c I never see him really chatty, but he does get really hyper (he also used to take Ritalin when he was a child), dialated pupils, he's always in the bathroom with the water running, blowing his nose or spitting up snots, he doesn't sleep well EVER although he tries, but he probably gets up about 20 times a night to pee (I hear it, so I know he's not doing it in the middle of the night). This is gross, but I've caught hm a few times w/ Q-Tips up his nose like he was cleaning it...then there's also the paranoia. He is always paranoid and I drives me nuts! Also, when he comes in, he goes straight to bed, even at like 8 and 9 o'clock, but he doesn't sleep! So last week, I told him I've been doing it and that I wanted him to give me some, and he questioned me b/c he didn't believe me, but I guess I answered right (I've never done it) and he was about to give me some when I got pissed and left. That made me realize all those times of him ****ing w/ my head telling me he does it then he doesn't that he's been doing it this whole time. So, I got into bed last night around 1ish and of course he was still up...and I asked him to tell me the truth, I told him I looked up some of the signs of users and I've seen alot of them w/ him....and he told me he has. Now, I don't know what to do, he says he likes me better than doing it and he was only doing it b/c of the stress/problems w/ work and family. I thought he'd never do this, his dad is an addict of many drugs and alcohol, and my b/f has always been against those things. Because of his moodiness, over the last year, I've considered leaving and not coming back...it's so hard after 8 years, but I cannot live w/ and marry someone who does this. Someone in my family was addicted to crack and my b/f saw what that did to me and how hurt I was, I can't believe he'd do the same thing, after all, he says he loves me and can't wait til our wedding. Gosh, this is so good to vent!! He made me promise not to tell anyone, but I can't keep something like this in and let it tear me apart. Now the question, do I stay or do I go?

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My first time to this sight. Well I've been dating a girl for about a year. After dating her for a few months she told me that she's used cocaine in the past, and she was actually high on cocaine the night we met! I had a huge problem with that because I've never used an illegal drug in my life and I hate drugs. She swears that she's changed and doesn't use, but I'm not so sure. She's very thin, almost looks malnourished. She can be very irritable and argumentative. This weekend she came out of the bathroom after being in there for a long time. She was sniffling, and a few minutes later she seemed pretty darn happy and acted much different. That night I found a plastic straw that was cut in half in her computer room. That's when I felt like she's been lying to me all this time and I think she uses that to snort. Last time I asked her (like 6 months ago) if she still ever used cocaine she said "no!". She also claims that it's not that addicting and that she has no desire to use it. She makes it out to be no big deal. She even once said that "drugs can be beneficial, they help expand your mind". I thought that was the most ignorant comment I've ever heard in my life, and I let her know that. She later agreed. I'm trying to figure out how to confront her about this, I know she'll flip out and say that I don't trust her. Any advice anyone?? Does this sound like a sure case she's using??

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I have a similar problem. I have been dating my girlfriend for about a year now. When I first met her, I had no clue she had ever done drugs. She told me after 3 months of dating that she "used" to do drugs, one of them being cocaine. I even found out that she was on coke the night I met her. She was in Dallas visiting her old boss, another coke user. She swore to me then that she doesn't do any drugs now and that she only did it around these friends. I've asked her if she's still using (several months ago) and she got so mad saying I needed to trust her and she acted very hurt. She says that coke isn't that big of a deal and that it's not addictive. She hasn't been around these friends in a long time but she still talks to them. This weekend she came out of the bathroom after being in there for a long time. She suddenly was sniffling alot and acted very different and more excited shortly after. Later that night I found a half straw in her computer room, and I thought to myself she's been lying all this time. She's very thin, almost looks malnourished. She can be very argumentative and irritable at times. Does this sound like a solid case that she's using coke?? I'm about to confront her about it but I need some second opinions please!!

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I meant to say this, but that's the same question I have!! I know I don't want to spend the rest of my life on this earth with someone that I would always worry about. I would say to go, but it's your call. I'm trying to decide what the right thing is. I guess my problem is I don't have 100% proof my GF is using coke, but I highly suspect it. I really hope I'm wrong. I've been paranoid and worried that she's using drugs every since she told me she used to use them. Since I've never used drugs I have no clue what she's been through. I would pray to God about it very hard!! Really, that's the thing to do. If it's meant to be it will work out and I think that God is bigger than any problem we can have.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, all i can say is that i have been there myself. my friends noticed it last year at a christmas party. my boyfriend was scatter brained and constatly going to the bathroom. i refused to beleive it. a few months later he came home with one of his nostrils all white. he denied it, and i didnt want him to leave me, so i accepted it. months later when he thought i was passed out on the couch, i went upstairs and caught him with a card in his hand. he fessed up and said it was 'casual' habit.


since then, i have found cocaine in my house on 2 occassions. there is no such thing as a casual user. people with low self esteem need this drug to feel better. if you suspect he is using, he probably is. i have found cut straws, small empty lip balm containers filled with white stuff, and remotes with no batteries but cocaine inside of them.


my advice? ask him to submit to drug testing at home. although my boyfriend did and as soon as we would argue he would hit the stuff so it didnt help much. as i said, if you think he is using, he probably is. do you want to constatly worry that he will drain your bank accounts for coke? do you want your children walking in on him or finding it in the house?


I thought for a very long time that my love and his desire for a healthly life with a great girl would help him, but i was wrong. this addiction is stronger than anything on earth. do you want this? i keep telling myself i dont and i broke it off a few days ago after finding a tin filled with coke and cut straws, but it is still so hard. you deserve better than this and so does every girl living with or dating a cocaine addict


it will never go away, you will always play second fiddle to the drug

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Well I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that. I imagine it must have been a tough situation. I still suspect that my girlfriend might be using but the tough thing for me is I still don't know 100%. I feel bad but I've nosed through her house and stuff and all I found was that half straw in her computer room, and some suspicous white powder in her closet, just sitting in the open in little bits here and there. She says that the half straw was from when she used to use it, according to her over a year ago. I want to believe her so it's really tough. The other thing that she said that scared me was "the only people that get addicted to it are people who have attictive personalities". From what I hear, that's not true. The other thing is that her last boyfriend used cocaine, her boyfriend before that, and all of her friends she used to hang out with all use it. So when you first confronted your boyfriend did he deny it big time?? She's already admitted that she was on coke the night we met but that she hasn't used it since. She's super thin and very self concious of her weight, and she has low self esteem even though she's very beautiful! She seems really depressed and unemotional during the week, and other times she's very talkative and confident. She knows that I am against using drugs big time and I think I would be the last person she would admit it too. I wish I could know 100%, I hate always wondering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first time posting here, because I was also researching for signs of someone using cocaine.

I recently saw someone I have not seen since June. In this time, she has gone down from a size 12 to less than a size 1 in women's clothing... she clearly weighs under 100 pounds. Her eyes have started sinking into her head, and her mouth and teeth looked very scary - almost like they were falling out of her mouth. She is basically skin and bones, and actually showed me her bones on her chest and back. Her chest area has shriveled and looks inverted.... is this normal for a coke user? She has used in the past, and I believe is living with a dealer. Her excuse for her looks was that she is on medication for depression....

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First time posting. My bf and his brother are living with me and my son. I know they both used to do drugs alot.my bf did pot but his bro did whatever requires shooting it into his veins...is that coke or heroin??? He claims he's been clean 9 months. However i occasionally check his room just to be safe...and i never found anything till today. I found no drugs but i did find 3 syringes,2 oddly bent spoons,some soda caps and lemon juice hidden in a drawer,he smokes cigerettes and i found some with part of the filter torn at the top. What does all this mean???? oh yeah and i keep finding cups in his room that smell like piss but has white residue floating around in it. Please help me-i don't know what to do. He Is an insomniac too. Please help-the sooner the better!

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Someone who has severe weight loss like that is probably using something. I don't know much about the side effects of meds for depression, but I definitely do know that a big weight loss like that can be attributed to coke use. Check the net for side effects of anti-depression medication to see if this truly could be a side effect.




Needles? God. Sorry that this is going on. The use of needles probably indicates the use of heroin. If this person is using heroin, this is an easy way to get diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis if they are sharing needles. The oddly bent spoons could be used for either cooking heroin (to mainline) or coke (to make crack). The cups? I have no idea about those.


In regards to the discussion, please see the Narcotics Anonymous website for help. They would be much better equipped to help you out.

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Thanks for the input. I was so worried about it that I came right out and asked my boyfriend if either of them were doing anything. He said No. I asked if he was so certain about his bro. When he asked why I told him what i'd found. He said that he knew what he was like when on that stuff and he didn't think that his bro was on it. When confronted his bro said it was in with some of his old stuff he picked up from his mom's house when we were there on thanksgiving. I checked his arms-there were no fresh marks or bruises and he does seem to be gaining weight not losing it-so i think i believe him. I hope my trust isn't misplaced in either of them. Thanks for letting me vent-wish us luck.

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I have been dating my GF for 5 months now.


She´s very sincere and transparent she always spits the truth no matter how bad it it.


With that said, right when we started dating, she told me she had used cocaine a few times, like once in 3 months with friends. I just listened and never said that I didn´t like it and didn´t want her to do it anymore, I just said ok, like it didn´t bother me. She knew I smoked marijuana, took Es and LSD once in a while, but she also knew I never tried cocaine, but I didn´t say I was against it.


After 2 moths we were dating, she once called me in the morning and told me she was feeling really bad because she used cocaine last night. She told me when that when she got home, she woke up her mom and told her about everything and that she never wanted to do it again. Again, I did not expressed my feelings against cocaine, I just listened and said ok, like it didn´t bother me.


Yesterday we were talking on the phone and the cocaine topic came up, and I asked if she had been doing it, and she said no! She said she never done it after that day, and that she really didn´t want that in her life again. Next day for the first time, I sent her a really nice email saying that I never told her anything about it, but I was really happy that she took that decision and that I really support that and such.


Next day we were talking on the phone and she told me she was really happy with the email and that she really liked my attitude of staying quiet about the topic untill she brought it up, and she said that she´s 100% sure about her decision, and that I came to her life at a perfect time.


My question is, should I trust that? I never pressured her to leave it, I just let things go by, that was her decision, entirely her decision. I don´t want to be with someone who does it, my life already has its own problems and I don´t really need anymore.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, this is my first time posting, I am hoping someone out there can relate to this and has some good advice for me!


I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years, (we live together for almost 2) we have never ever had any trust issues and for the most part had the type of love and strength in a relationship that other people envy. He is my best friend, my everything. We have even discussed marraige and have looked at rings together.


My best friend just got engaged to his best friend, who at first I thought was a snake but by the looks of them it seemed like he really calmed down. I come to find out that he (the fiancee) was arrested in March 2004 for possession of a cocaine and almost went to jail. This was told to me in secret by my best friend, not my boyfriend.


Before we even met I know that experimentation happened. However, as our relationship progressed, I told him how much I detested drugs (I come from a semi-dysfunctional family, and have worked very hard to make a different life for myself) and I said that if I ever found out he was messing around with anything that would be it. I have even asked him about this several times (not out of suspicion) and he always told me he did not do anything- and I believed him.


So when I heard this information about the fiancee, I was taken aback. My boyfriend usually tells me everything and he did not tell me this. I confronted him about it and he said he didn't tell me bc it was not our business to discuss. When I asked him if he has done anything since we have been together, he said no, over and over again. I explained to him that it would be better for it to come from him now then for me to find out later on, so we can work through it now. Still- no- no -no. Finally after 20min of browbeating I asked him to swear on our relationship- and he wouldnt. I knew then something had happened.


Turns out there was 2 occasions where my boyfriend and the fiancee dabbled, and on both occasions it was brought into the picture by the fiancee. I feel sick to my stomache that someone who i love so much could make such a terrible decision. I know that he does not have a habit bc I have never seen signs, plus he just spent a lot of money on a business and has been saving for us (I have seen bank receipts). I know for a fact he has never cheated on me and that he loves me more than anything. I saw him break down yesterday for the first time bc he was terrified that he lost me.


Being that I want to marry this man, I can't walk away. I feel like our love is stronger than this. But I feel so sickened by the fact that he did this. If I ever lost him I don't know what I would do. Can anyone out there relate or offer advice?


UPDATE: When I came home yesterday we talked about it again, and it turns out that there was a 3rd time where it happened and that was in December. That night he also stayed out very late and although he called me to come meet him out I never did. He SWEARS this is it. The reason he didn't tell me about the 3rd time is bc he didnt want me to know he did it so recently. He says he will never do it again and that he wants to put this all behind us. The only person who he did it with is the fiancee who is a big time peer pressurer. My BF is also 27 so thats no excuse but he is no longer allowed to hang out with this person anymore and I told him that the idea of random drug tests have also not been eliminated....


I know he is not addicted, I have never seen signs of him doing coke ever, but am I crazy to stay around? Or is this an early warning sign of things to come? He also used to do a lot of E/shrooms/pot back in the day wayyyyy before me, I know that this has all ended as well. I told him that b4 he even fathoms the idea of getting engaged, he has to be true to himself that he will never ever ever ever ever ever (ever) do this again.


Sorry this is long, but I am too embarrassed to talk about this with my friends... any advice?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Suspicious2, Redox, and Love621,


I hope that things have worked out for you, Suspicious2. Redox, you too.


Love 621, I hope that things are OK. Admittedly, I have some serious concerns about people who continue to use. My ex (who I got back together with for 4 months and again ended it several weeks ago) can't break it. The drug use has been going on for years. I kept thinking that things were going to change. He swore before we got back together again that things were different. It was the crux of us getting back together. It's over (finally) after 4 years. 4 very tumultuous years.


Needless to say, I'm not saying that your bf will do this to you (do it to himself really), but you've got to be careful. My ex was very good at lying and hiding things from me. It was scary how easy it was for him to do this. Keep your eyes and ears open to weird stuff for a while. Staying out all night (or really late) is often a bad sign.


I was a user in my mid 20s (10 years ago) and I just stay away from all drugs now. They are too easy to fall back into.


Good luck and be careful! I'll check back in once in a while to make sure that things are Ok with you. Stay safe.

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Thanks for your advice! I thought no one would read my post! Well its been almost a month now and things are much better. He is making much better decisions (whenever the "bad influence" asks him to go out he respectfully declines) and has done a lot of research about the effects of recreational use, which scared him (a lot). I don't know if there are any other europeans out there but my bf is from Ireland, went to a Christian Brothers school, and grew up on a farm. His parents never discussed the "Just Say No" routine - needless to say he is one of 6 and every one of his brotheres and sisters tried drugs when they came over to America. The way he explains it is that in Ireland theres a bit of a "romance" (wierd word, I know) connected to it and it does not have any of the connations that we yanks associate with it...


I honestly feel in my heart that we can get through this, I love him more than anything. He now knows the severity of this situation-- but like you said, I AM KEEPING MY EYES OPEN!


How often did you catch your ex? For the whole 4 years?


Thanks again for your advice :)

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Hi again,


I must admit that I don't check in here (LS) as much as I used to. I've been in therapy to help me get out of the relationship...


I feel for you though on what you're going through. I completely sympathize. I'm glad that the research has scared your beau. Maybe that will help him to really open his eyes about what it does to you. I had an eye doctor years ago who could tell that I used a lot by looking at my eyes (and I wasn't even high!). Scared the crap out of me.


I caught my ex doing drugs on and off a lot. I could almost always tell by how hyper he got (it's probably easier for me to see as I used so much when I was younger). I'd ask, he'd deny, he'd get drunk (he also had a problem with alcohol) and then eventually admit it, recently anyway. He did it at a Christmas party, and later on New Year's. That was the last straw. Yeah, right, he wasn't doing drugs as much. Did I mention the mushrooms he took on a Friday night for fun?


He used to stay out all night, even during the week sometimes. Miss work. He lost his job. Do it with his family. Got a new job, take off whenever he felt like some time off. Poor work ethic. He spent more time with his friends than with me. Blah blah blah. On and on. Got him into rehab for a while and he was clean for a month. Swore he was off the coke and then I'd find him high again or he'd stay out all night again. He swore for years that he wanted a normal life and to be with me. That he'd get better. That things would be different. They never were.


I hope that your beau sees what damage it can do. I'm glad that I'm alive. I'm lucky to be. I moved to get away from drugs and the people that I knew.


I don't think that all people who recreationally use become drug addicts, but some do. Make sure that he knows how you feel about it and the more educated you are and the more the know, the better off you are. I hope that things work out for the two of you. Educate him too. Good luck!

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First of all, congratulations from leaving such a terrible situation. That must be the worst feeling, but from what it sounds like you know you have made the right decision. I have seen people who I never thought could stay sober do it after they hit their own bottem. Addiction is the worst thing to happen to someone you love-- like I said in my first post I come from a "semi" dysfunctional family. I have seen the effects of all types of abuse first hand. Thank God that was always enough for me to stay clear.


You are right, not all recreational users become addicts. But, no addict wakes up one day and says "I think I would like to be a _______ head. It just creeps up on the them and steal their life. Thats what I keep telling my boyfriend!


Good Luck to you, I hope everything works out. Everything happens for a reason!



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