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depressed or just lazy/sad?

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I've always been prone to changing moods. Sometimes I am blissfully happy, but other times I have a very empty mood. Like today. And for the past couple days. When I get like this it feels like a huge deal to do even small tasks. I'm at work right now and there are some things that I could be doing, but I'm just severely lacking in motivation. All I really want to do is go home and sleep so that maybe I'll wake up to a better mood (although that strategy didn't work last night) or maybe play the piano (because sometimes that can make me forget that I'm sad for an hour or two).


I have very few friends (I'm pretty reserved) and have one very close friend. But I cant bring myself to tell this friend about how I feel because I dont want to sound like a charity case. Basically, I feel that this mood will pass as it tends to, then I'll be happy for a bit, and then I'll be back to feeling like this again and the cycle will continue. I don't know if I just need more of a purpose in my life, or more hobbies, or medication, or therapy...

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Have you seen a doctor ? It could be something medical such as a low functioning thyroid or anemia or something else.


It sounds like you need more stimulation in your life. You probably would feel better if you found things to do around people. It sounds like you are looking for purpose.


I would really think about talking to your friend. You need to stop holding it in and see if he can offer some advice. He knows you.


I used to be a very shy person because I was afraid to let my guard down. I never told anyone how I felt. Always kept it hidden.Took years to finally open up. Now asking for advice on the forum and listening to what people think about what I'm going through has helped and finding a job where I worked around a lot of people made me feel a part of things.


Lots of people have mood swings and some people benefit from medication or therapy. It can help.I live with someone who has done both.

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