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Falling for a girl from Australia, beautiful story.

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I went to San Francisco a few weeks ago by myself to attend a conference. I'm 25, a young professional who loves to travel and meet new people, so I stayed in a hostel while there. I met a girl I'll call Aly and we clicked. We spent 4 days together, walked the Golden Gate Bridge, went to a music festival, and much more. We were clearly attracted to each other and there was a unique connection words cannot explain.


But Aly lives in Australia, and live in Chicago. Before I left San Francisco, I invited her to Chicago before she headed back to Sydney. She came to Chicago, and our connection intensified. It was a beautiful experience. We were open and honest about our feelings, we were intimate and felt completely in love. Then yesterday morning came and she got on a train headed to the airport, and went the opposite way to work. She's now in route to the land down under and my heart is in knots. We laughed, cried, and had the most amazing conversations together. It was so refreshing to feel such a strong connection and to feel appreciated, wanted, and cared for. Something I can't seem to find in local American girls.


I've fallen for this girl and I don't know what to do. I'm trying to just move past and appreciate the amazing times we shared together, and I do, but I can't help but want to see this girl again and continue what we had going. I've gotten the invite to Sydney where she lives, and there's a chance she'll make the move to America for work someday. I have a feeling I will see this girl but I don't know how to proceed in the immediate future. We discused the long distance thing being difficult but we want to remain in each other's lives. I've never had much interest in long distance, but I feel I would do anything for her.


At the very least, I have a beautiful story and I wouldn't trade our time together for anything.


Anyone ever experienced something similar? Any feedback or thoughts? How should I proceed?

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I'm in a somewhat similar boat, in my mid twenties location is in reverse though. I'm in Australia and shes in Canada. We have made it work thus far, there are ups and downs to a LDR however it can be lonely at times, especially considering how much distance is in between us. The key I've found thus far is patience and communication, if either is lacking in those areas it can go down hill very fast. LDR are definitely not for everyone that is for sure (I would of never really considered one before tbh).


I'm actually flying out next week to spend two weeks in Canada so we will see how that goes I'm quite excited. :)


I realise most likely in the long run I would probably have to end up moving to Canada for various reasons, the biggest one is immigrating to Australia in general is a massive pain for most. A lot of people want to live here and the government is extremely strict on who they let in and how many per year.


Not impossible there are a few loop holes (such as marriage) even then it can be tricky. I'm just enjoying it for what it is atm really we are trying not to get to hung up on the future at this point.

Edited by Carenth
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Thanks for the reply, glad to hear their's others finding themselves in this situation. How long have you guys known each other? Mind me asking how you met? The whole situation seems unreal, like I'm waking up from the best dream ever, but the dream was real... crazy.

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I met her through another forum almost 2 years ago, completely random and for a long time we basically pen pals for a year, but gradually we became closer and it went from some sort of friends to more than friends thing earlier this year. It was very gradual and felt natural.


Spent a lot of time skyping, she would send me hand written letters and little gifts and such in the mail. I've done the same, this has been a somewhat strange experience for me as yeah I would never consider this normally.


My experience is different in that I haven't actually met her in person and will be for the first time next week. Which is scary in that I know so much about her but have never actually met her in person. It's also very exciting as well, we have both basically agreed the worst that could result from this trip will be that we have become very good friends. We are trying not to build up insane expectations over it I guess.

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Fellow Midwest resident here who married a Sydney gal last year.


If this is something that you want to pursue make it happen. Not sure how you feel about long distance relationships but they are worth it if you meet the right person. Skype with her, email, etc. and see how things go. Plan some visits as well. Australia is an amazing place.

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@Carenth: That's pretty awesome, I hope it goes great for you guys and like you said, at the very least you have a great friendship.


@Pyro: That's so great to hear. How did you guys meet and how did you make it work at first? Definitely planning to Skype, send letters, gifts etc.

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@Pyro: That's so great to hear. How did you guys meet and how did you make it work at first? Definitely planning to Skype, send letters, gifts etc.


We met through here actually.


We made it work through here, yahoo messenger, email, Facebook, Skype, and phone calls but it was Skype for the most part.


To make it work you will also need patience, trust, and honesty. LDR's aren't for everyone but we made it work. She got her visa to move here and now has a green card.

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