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I have been seeing this guy for several months now and 2 months ago he moved to GA. in that transition he told me he loves me and wanted me to come down there with him. I told him I would think about it and then i decided to go. Went down there several times, had some interviews, things were fine for a while. Well he made a stupid financial choice to take over the lease on a friends car. can't go back on it cause he works for the guy. i was upset about that and then i didn't get the job.


well now he is saying he has gotten cold feet and he doesn't know if he loves me. He says he cares about me a lot but he is not sure if he knows what love is. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone else. He looked me dead in my face and told me that he loves me so much. I am all that matters to him etc. and now just about 1 1/2 weeks later he doesn't know anymore. This guy he works for is very influential and every since he took this car over it's been hell. now the guy is talking about leaving his wife and moving into a townhouse and my boyfriend thinks he will be able to move there too. I am so frustrated and heartbroken right now. My boss knows i was going to leave and has hired my replacement already and now i have no where to go and noone who is there for me. I feel so alone. it is so hard to open yourself to someone anyway especially with so many past heartbreaks and now here's another one for the list. he told me so many times he loved me and his eyes didn't lie, so why the change? Someone please help me I feel like i'm losing it here. I'm wondering if he is scared he will miss out on something else therefore he has this automatic resistence to committing to me now. But his timing couldn't be worse.

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Never, ever, ever, ever, uproot your life for some guy you've only known for "several months." You do such a thing ONLY for a committed relationship. As far as his abiguity about his feelings for you go, it sounds to me as if you are being worked.


You've lost your old job and you certainly can't expect Mr "I'm not sure" to take care of you, so you have to take care of yourself. Find work, either there in Georgia or go back home. But tell this ooser goodbye. Yes, I said looser. Any "man" who would allow a woman to quit her job and relocate to another city to be with him when he isn't 100% certain about his feelings for her, is as selfish little boy.

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Wow, it sounds like this guy really screwed you over. Wish I knew a nicer way to put it, but he's really messing with you. Sounds to me like this guy is seriously bad news. He's messing up your life. On that note, there may be some things you can do to reclaim it.


First, talk to your boss. See if there's any way you can keep your job. You might be pleasantly surprised. Maybe that part at least can be resolved.


As for the rest, well, this is going to sound awful, but it's how I see things. Sounds to me like your guy was planning on going to GA, and never really wanted you with him. He told you he did, but when push comes to shove, he puts a halt on things right before it can happen. I think you've been played, and this is just one of those guys who will promise you the world, as long as he never has to make good on it.


It's also possible he's found someone else in GA. Sorry, but it's a possibility. Either way, the bottom line is that he's messing up your life, and probably without much remorse. I'm not trying to tell you to get rid of him, just telling you how it looks from my perspective. Other than that, I agree with everything StartingAgain said.


It sucks, I know; it's never fun to be played.



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