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Quick easy question about a girl

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i went to ask a girl out,i was walking up to her from behind,i said her name and she immediately froze,her shoulders sprung up she did not turn around and look at me once. she said "hmm?" i walked up to the side of her and began to ask her out she didnt turn or anything,the whole time she didnt look at me once,and was very nervous and talking soft she didnt make any eye contact what-so-ever,i asked if she was doing anything over the weekend and she said she would have to see...was she being completely nervous or has no interest in me at all?

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I think maybe she was shy or nervous. The only way to know for sure is to be direct and ask her again. If she disregards your invitation than you know to move on to someone who will enjoy your company.

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I'd say she's shy and it's because of you.


Women usually have no shyness or problems in dealing with a guy they're not attracted to.

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