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Romance Lost, Advice Needed

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Speedy the Turtle

I'm a new member and this is my first time posting, so thanks in advance for any replies.


I am in a long distance relationship with a great guy, but lately we've become less romantic towards each other. I was looking on a website and I found a great, sweet idea. It said to send a box to your s/o filled with 31 objects, one for each day of the month (or however many days are in the month). It said to put in sweet, silly things that would remind them of you. I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas of some little things you could mail to someone you love.

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for this... just search the internet for "long distance relationships" "romantic ideas" all sorts of stuff on the net for this sort of thing... from funny, to romantic, to kinky... you name it.... it's there!!

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she already has the basic idea ringo... i think she needs suggestions for little gifts...


why dont you try some perfume samples and a small stuffed animal or a special key chain and some short love notes...


best of luck speedy :bunny:

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Wow nobody's writing you:(. Umm... maybe a favorite lip gloss of yours or something, that way he can taste your lips anytime he wants:p;).

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