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can't stop thinking bout him!!!!!!

midlife crisis

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midlife crisis

Im married with 3 kids n posted before about a guy who's been messaging me for about 5 months, I've tried to break contact but can't get him out my mind if i don't messaging within a couple of days he contacts me n im stupid n reply. Its like im obsessed with him n i don't know why or what to do......

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Im married with 3 kids n posted before about a guy who's been messaging me for about 5 months, I've tried to break contact but can't get him out my mind if i don't messaging within a couple of days he contacts me n im stupid n reply. Its like im obsessed with him n i don't know why or what to do......


Affairs are like a drug addiction.


When you don't get your fix of this guy you go into withdrawal and become very ill. The addiction to affair love is much higher than the addiction to love in the open.


The only cure is to go 100% no contact. It hurts like hell, but after a few weeks it starts to get better and eventually you forget the whole thing.


If you have sporadic contact then you never get over it. It would be like an alcoholic trying to quit by visiting the local bar once a week. Obviously he will continue to drink!!!!!!

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Darl if u love your husband u will delete his number and Never speak to him again, how would u feel if it was the other way around believe me if your lacking something your not getting from your husband communication is they key steer your headlights towards your family not outside, that's destined for disaster :o)

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What do you value in life? Do you value honesty? Integrity? Your children? Your marriage? If you do, then why are you living as if you don't? Because you will lose them all if you continue on this path. And for what? For some guy you have a temporary infatuation for? It's not worth it. Just block his calls. Block his Emails. Don't risk something so valuable over something so cheap. The longer you delay in ending contact, the more at risk you put what is most valuable to you.

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