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I dont understand at all why my bf is whith me!!!

I mean I know he loves me an yes he did make the first move an no it wasnt in the dark!!!

I have a eatin disorder now as well!

I feel soo fat an unatteactive whereas my bf is a fit an healthy footballer who could get any girl he wants!!

He gets eyed up all the time!!

Now dnt get me wrong Im not sayin that Im ugly cos im above average looking but I jus think ym bf could do soo much better!!!


He tells me I am the most georgeous looking girls he has ever layed eyes on.


I love him soo much but I get jelouas of all the pretty stick thin girls out there!!!


I h8 him goin out with his m8s cos they dnt like me an keep tellin me they are guna take him out on the pull!! I know in my heart he would never cheat on me cos we have such a g8 thing goin on but how can I over come my jelously an start eatin again??




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Give your BF credit for being smart, kind, and caring....Not just attractive. By saying he deserves someone "prettier"- you are implying that his relationships should be based on looks alone. That's Bullpoop and you know it.


Then consider he already recognizes that you have more than just a pretty face and is mature enough to love All of you- not just the creepy boney body you will have if you continue not eating.

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yea i know ur right!!

I love him for everythin bout him not jus his looks but he puts up with loads of s**t from me with my jelaus ways i cant help it i need to stop i jus dnt know how

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If you recognize when you're being jealous then you can stop acting on it. You can't change your thought process until you're ready to but you can certainly control your actions. Stop being at the mercy of your own mind and start acting like an adult.

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Part of being a couple means taking the good w/the bad- consider he must think you have tons of good to put up w/ all your jealousy. Then relax- do you really want to place something he can't help- like the way he looks- into his bad category.


Doesn't that just Sound silly? :)

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bein like a adult hasnt got anythin to do with it i haven t got no self confidece or selfasteem i jus need reassurance here an ther ebut when i get in from work he is jus goin footie trainning an its really gettin me down i jus need to feel loved.

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Originally posted by Fayebelle

Part of being a couple means taking the good w/the bad- consider he must think you have tons of good to put up w/ all your jealousy. Then relax- do you really want to place something he can't help- like the way he looks- into his bad category.


Doesn't that just Sound silly? :)



I agree with everythin ur sayin an I dont want him to have to put up with my jealously I want to stop it!!!

His m8s makie me a whole lot worse thou i know there are jus sayin it to wind me up but it really hurts, more than anythin in the whole world it hurts soo bad!!

I cry my self to sleep everynite an my bf wakes me up sayin what are you cryin for where im still cryin in my sleep.

I love him soo much an would do anythin for him please help me change

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bein like a adult hasnt got anythin to do with it i haven t got no self confidece or selfasteem i jus need reassurance here an ther ebut when i get in from work he is jus goin footie trainning an its really gettin me down i jus need to feel loved


It does have to do with acting like an adult. A child doesn't understand how to process their thoughts and act accordingly. A child doesn't examine their responses to different situations to determine what the right behavior is. A child just acts. It doesn't process, it doesn't evaluate and it doesn't consider the ramifications of it's actions.


An adult uses reason and examines their behavior. Until you decide to stop allowing yourself to feel jealousy you will continue to experience it.

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whenever you feel the ole silly jealous pangs (not to be confused w/the "Hey is that my BF's tongue in that girls throat" jealous rages ;) ) -just take a deeeep breathe and say I will NOT give his pals more fuel for their fire! Then lift your chin -smile- and continue on. Eventually- you won't even have to talk yourself into it- it will be your natural reaction as the jealousy fades.

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Originally posted by Fayebelle

whenever you feel the ole silly jealous pangs (not to be confused w/the "Hey is that my BF's tongue in that girls throat" jealous rages ;) ) -just take a deeeep breathe and say I will NOT give his pals more fuel for their fire! Then lift your chin -smile- and continue on. Eventually- you won't even have to talk yourself into it- it will be your natural reaction as the jealousy fades.




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But you can control the way you act on your feelings. Sometimes I get so irritated with people at my office that I'd like to put my fist through a wall. Do I do that? No...because I control my behavior. I may think about doing it. I may even visualize it but I don't do it because I refuse to allow myself to behave in this manner.


If you dislike the way you behave when you're jealous then stop behaving like that. You're not a puppet. No one is making you respond to your emotions like this.

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yea I do agree with what ur sayin!!


Me an my boyfriend had a nice chat last nite an I told him excatly how it is for me an now we both understand each other!!! I love him soo much an i would rather b upset than loose him.

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