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Personality -VS- Looks?? Which do you REALLY prefer?

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Why are most guys only attracted to a "certain" type of woman?


I understand physical attraction is important (for obvious reasons) but why can't a guy look at someone who isn't Gawd awful and get to know her personality instead of being shallow looking at the long legged, blonde haired *usually dyed*, bone thin women who sometimes lack in personality?


In a long term relationship isn't how you "click" with someone and how they make you feel, and how smart they are, and how well they treat you more important than they way someone looks on the outside since physical beauty WILL fade over time but the inner beauty will last forever.


This isn't a personal post I'm in a happy long term relationship but after reading through posts on here it got me thinking...


what do men REALLY prefer??

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But you see- looking is not clicking.


That may be the sterotypical "type" for most men to look at- but how many men marry those women?


Give guys some credit- they may look at a beautiful airhead- but only an idiot would happily marry one.

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Actually yes, it seems when I look around that all I tend to see are really decent guys marrying superficial mindless stereotypical "beauties" but only to divorce later on when they realize how mindless and selfish and greedy these women truly are.


Speaking from a "friend's POV" my female friends get passed up a lot even though they have cute faces and wonderful sweet personalities. They tend to get used or passed by for the "beautiful" women but once those "beauties" reject the guys then they re-pursue my friends which is totally bogus and wrong!!!!


I just don't understand why and am trying to understand the mindset of the opposite sex. I wonder if these type of guys need a "trophy beauty" on their arm to feel like more of a man or if it's something else.

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Well on that note...


What do you consider a decent guy- does HE have to be a hottie? - cuz let's face it not many dingy types are gonna go for a 300 lb awesome guy w/acne and a bad cowlick.


Aren't you applying a double standard?

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Give guys some credit- they may look at a beautiful airhead- but only an idiot would happily marry one.


hehe i copy and pasted that quote and messaged it to my b/f lol I like that Fayebelle! But yes, take for instance Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. I personally think he just married her for her looks. I've their show on MTV, "newlyweds"....she's so dumb....but yet so beautiful. But in my opinion, a guy obviously when he first sees ya, doesn't know ya...so all he has to go by at first, is a woman's outside appearance. Then once he gets to know ya, if you don't have a good personality to go along w/ the good looks, he'll probly loose ya. I think personality is way more important. I'm in a committed relationship.....but I met this nice lookin guy down at my college, and once i got to know him, i realized that his personality sucked! And that completely changed the way i seen him from the outside as well. My b/f isn't the most handsome guy in the world in the eyes of other women, but he has an awesome personality!! and in my eyes, he has the looks to go along w/ it...but the looks is just a bonus for me.

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ahh yes, to say that he took Jessica Simpson's virginity. He seems like the guy who likes to show off what he's got and what he's accomplished...kinda blowin it in everyone's face. So he just took her virginity to show/prove something to all the other guys that he knows would never stand a chance w/ her. Granted, they both have some looks!

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Originally posted by Taken_Angel

Why are most guys only attracted to a "certain" type of woman?


I understand physical attraction is important (for obvious reasons) but why can't a guy look at someone who isn't Gawd awful and get to know her personality instead of being shallow looking at the long legged, blonde haired *usually dyed*, bone thin women who sometimes lack in personality?


what do men REALLY prefer??


I think that when a man approaches a woman it's basically because of her looks, but once he gets to know her he decides if she has the personality to go with it. Let's be honest, I think all of us have gone out with someone because of looks, but it takes a SMART person to know that looks are not everything!


I personally prefer a man that has a great sense of humor and is caring than a 'BEAUTIFUL" man. You do not get happiness from looks but from love. I once went out with a man that was very, very, very handsome but he could not hold a conversation, as much as he was attractive physically, that was a big let down. The only thing he would say was, "we will make a good couple"!!! I never went out with him again and my friends thought I was crazy, but he just made himself look cute in a puppy way!

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What was that old song?


If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Make and ugly woman your wife!





I always thought about it this way: If a guy didn't approach me because of my looks -- his loss and my gain. I don't want someone like that. If a guy leaves me for someone else because they like the cover, then I don't let them back in. Again, their loss.


If a guy pursues me based on my looks -- hey, I'll have fun but I won't get serious. It worked for me in the past. :)


We look for different things at different stages of our own lives. I once dated a guy for nine months because he was tall and I could wear my highest heels and tallest platforms and he was STILL taller than me. He was my accessory! He dated me for so long mainly because I had dated his friend for a while first and would not have sex with him and those two had a bet that the tall guy could get me into his bed. Nope, didn't happen and after nine months he finally gave up and admitted he lost the bet! :):)

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My idea of a "decent" guy is someone who is caring, affectionate, knows how to make you laugh, appreciates the little things in life (watching a beautiful sunset, fishing all day together not saying a word just smiling and knowing you're saying "i love you" with your eyes, ect) doesn't put friends and drinking ahead of time with you, does things to make you happy and accepts and appreciates the things you do for him.


Looks aren't important as long as he has good hygiene and takes care of himself (doesn't smell bad, brushes his hair, looks neat in appearance (showering everyday) you know the basic stuff you HAVE to do but people sometimes don't).


As long as he has a good personalilty and isn't cocky or rude or thinking he's "all that" a person can "grow" on ya no matter what they look like (USUALLY) once you get to know them and if you "click" with them you can begin to develop feelings for them with out that "physical spark" At least I think you can anyway. I'm guilty I have a good looking BF (at least to me he's gorgeous) and he thinks I'm beautiful too BUT I'm not "stereotypical" I'm a little bigger than normal and just don't fit the "mold" of beauty.


So anyway I'm glad people are honest, I still believe that men tend to "flock" to the beauties and tend to "settle" once they realize they don't have a chance with the model like chicks! I HOPE I'M WRONG and I wish more guys would respond so they could tell us what THEY really want.


Yes that is a great and TRUE song Hokey!

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Make and ugly woman your wife!


SO TRUE but not many men realize or believe this! Hahaha!

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I've said this time and time again.


Looks will open the door. Personality will let you in.

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I was semi-attracted to my girlfriend at first. Now that ive got to know her which is the reason i got with her in the first place, due to her personality, She seems more beautiful to me then ever now. Personality is much more important than looks. Ive had the great look girls! No personality to back em up.

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W/out personlaity you have a walking manequin. Thats what I think.


To me looks are important but you have to have personality to match. But nothing attracts me more than a guy that can make me laugh. You don't even have to be the cute but if you make me laugh I'm hooked.


Also looks are appealing but once you get to know a person their personality can turn you on even more than their looks.

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nick married jessica for looks yes but could one not make the argument that her being dumb is also part of the personality that attracted nick to her?

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Originally posted by manofmystrey

nick married jessica for looks yes but could one not make the argument that her being dumb is also part of the personality that attracted nick to her?


I think that's just part of the show. I've seen many interviews before the show and she acted nothing like that. I'm pretty sure she's smart. Everyone needs someone that stimulates their mind

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hey Love2BLoved



I think u are right that she cant be that dumb but it just seems from the show that he likes her being kind of dumb cause there is a certain nievness about her when she is acting dumb and from the look of things he enjoys that.

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  • 5 weeks later...

well i rely only on looks at first but i care a lot more about the personality of a girl wince i get to now her i won't care as much about her looks after i get to now her and i can't stand those girls that dye there hair blond and go with that look i hate it!

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Looks are somewhat important to me. Honestly.


I would say it's about 75 percent personality, 25 percent physical attraction.


I've never been in a relationship where the guy didn't have both. Still, I would gladly date a less than gorgeous man with a great personality.



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Originally posted by Taken_Angel

Why are most guys only attracted to a "certain" type of woman?


I understand physical attraction is important (for obvious reasons) but why can't a guy look at someone who isn't Gawd awful and get to know her personality instead of being shallow looking at the long legged, blonde haired *usually dyed*, bone thin women who sometimes lack in personality?


In a long term relationship isn't how you "click" with someone and how they make you feel, and how smart they are, and how well they treat you more important than they way someone looks on the outside since physical beauty WILL fade over time but the inner beauty will last forever.


This isn't a personal post I'm in a happy long term relationship but after reading through posts on here it got me thinking...


what do men REALLY prefer??


For me, I can't separate the two. If I find someone's personality repulsive, I won't be able to find them attractive. However, if that person has a sparkling personality and isn't physically attractive (to me) I probably wouldn't have them as a lover.

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There is not such thing as a ugly woman. There are on the other hand lots of women who think that they are ugly and accordingly, they do act, dress and become ugly (you may replace ugly with unattractive etc).


You put the problem wrong... Honestely... who cares what men want? The thing is women have the power. Sure, it is important to know what men like, but it's women who choose. Remember that !



Physical attraction is extremely important for me. I can't stay with a man who's great but with whom I don't feel like not sleeping at nights :o . I am 24 and I won't settle for anything less. Physical attraction does involve an attractive man. To me. You see, us women, we do the same thing. And it's only natural to do so.




There are a few simple rules: take care of you body so that you're happy with your weight, exercise so that you look great in your 40's also, and dress smart. Add lots of confidence and any woman respecting this things can get almost any man they want. Sure, then you have the drop dead gorgeaus women... And? Not all men die to go out with this type of women. They are discriminated, labeled as "high maintenance", treated as trophees etc etc.



The sexiest organ one has is that between the ears. Trust me, in the end, it can bring you "the wo/man" and you know what? Due to it, you get to keep him/her, and that's all that matters.

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Having the looks, makes it easier for you to get partners."Looks" people most definite strength is first impression. Personality is more important, if it' gonna be long-term.

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