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Girl problems

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

Its seems like every girl i meet latley, is nice to me for about a week or 2 and then she dissapears off earth. I met this girl the other day off the internet. She lives local to me. She kept saying before we met that she was ugly and that i probably wouldn't like her. Let me add that she came to me, I didn't go to her. We met in person last week for the first time.


I liked her alot. She is very pretty and i was interested in getting to know her better. I asked her what she thinks of me and she says that she likes me alot. She emailed me alot for a couple days and acted like she was really interested in me. She said that she could go out with me Sunday. Well, Sunday i called her and asked her if we was going out and she said that she was too tired to go anywhere, that she has been working hard.


ok so she says that we could possible do it Tuesday. ok Tuesday rolls along and i call her and she is not home. I left her a message to call me whenever she gets home. She never called. So later on that evening i get online and she is on there. I told her that me and some of my friends are going to a local club this weekend, (one that she goes to alot) and i asked her if she wanted to meet me there and she says she doesn't know. Then i asked her if she is going up there with a dude or something and she says that a guy friend might go with her and that she is not sure if she is meeting him up there or not. Every time i asked her a question, it took her like 5 minutes to reply back to my IM. I asked her why and she says she is talking to bunches of her friends online at once.


Then i asked her if i can call her and she says no that its too late (it was like 9:00 p.m.) aiight. Then she says maybe we could go out Thursday. After a while of waiting 5 to 7 minutes for a reply everytime i asked her something, i told her never mind that if she's too busy to talk to me that i would leave her alone. She IM'ed me back and said "listen im talking to my friends that are away in college and this is the only way for me to talk to them" i then appologized but she never IM'ed me back so i got off line.


Am i doing something wrong? Is it just a way of her telling me that she's not interested in me? She sure acted like she liked me and stuff, but could she have faked? How do i found out?

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Bobby Dygytul

Let me add to this, that things similar to this has happed alot latley when i meet someone new. Am i just meeting the wrong people? Im being really nice to them (but not too nice, hehe) Any ideas?

Its seems like every girl i meet latley, is nice to me for about a week or 2 and then she dissapears off earth. I met this girl the other day off the internet. She lives local to me. She kept saying before we met that she was ugly and that i probably wouldn't like her. Let me add that she came to me, I didn't go to her. We met in person last week for the first time. I liked her alot. She is very pretty and i was interested in getting to know her better. I asked her what she thinks of me and she says that she likes me alot. She emailed me alot for a couple days and acted like she was really interested in me. She said that she could go out with me Sunday. Well, Sunday i called her and asked her if we was going out and she said that she was too tired to go anywhere, that she has been working hard. ok so she says that we could possible do it Tuesday. ok Tuesday rolls along and i call her and she is not home. I left her a message to call me whenever she gets home. She never called. So later on that evening i get online and she is on there. I told her that me and some of my friends are going to a local club this weekend, (one that she goes to alot) and i asked her if she wanted to meet me there and she says she doesn't know. Then i asked her if she is going up there with a dude or something and she says that a guy friend might go with her and that she is not sure if she is meeting him up there or not. Every time i asked her a question, it took her like 5 minutes to reply back to my IM. I asked her why and she says she is talking to bunches of her friends online at once. Then i asked her if i can call her and she says no that its too late (it was like 9:00 p.m.) aiight. Then she says maybe we could go out Thursday. After a while of waiting 5 to 7 minutes for a reply everytime i asked her something, i told her never mind that if she's too busy to talk to me that i would leave her alone. She IM'ed me back and said "listen im talking to my friends that are away in college and this is the only way for me to talk to them" i then appologized but she never IM'ed me back so i got off line.


Am i doing something wrong? Is it just a way of her telling me that she's not interested in me? She sure acted like she liked me and stuff, but could she have faked? How do i found out?


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It is very easy to be enchanted with someone when we first meet them. They are on their best behavior and we fill in the blanks in our desire to find love and be loved. But a genuine love doesn't come along every day. It is a rare thing. So keep on trying and one day you will find that great girl who really responds to the great Bobby Dygytul that you are.


In the meantime, when things don't work out the way you want them to, see if you can be thankful that you are one step closer to finding that ONE girl that is really for you.

Let me add to this, that things similar to this has happed alot latley when i meet someone new. Am i just meeting the wrong people? Im being really nice to them (but not too nice, hehe) Any ideas?
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Welcome to the world of the new millenium. There are lots of flakey people out there and it seems you have found your share.


The first thing you have to learn is how to take a hint. If a girl is interested in you, she will find ways of seeing you. She won't put you off, except for good reason. When you see a girl behaving like this one did, just instantly write her off. Have a bit of respect for yourself.


When you start insisting on being treated with honor and respect, that is what you will get. Part of that means getting rid of people right away when they hint they are not interested in you...or they are just flakey.


This girl is not worth your time. Forget her and move on. Don't give these ladies time to screw with your head. Send them down the road at the first sign they aren't right for you.


And, yes, don't be so nice to them. If you play it a lot more coy and stop caring all that much whether you see them or not, you'll have girls standing around the block to go out with you. Promise.

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Bobby Dear,


It sounds like you are just meeting the wrong girls! There are plenty of nice ones out there - but you can't wait for them to come and find you!


I can totally relate to being alone and wanting to find someone nice...for my own experience, I have the same problem with meeting 'duds.'


I agree with Deejette - that you are one step closer to finding somone... you just have to see what you like and don't like in a girl.


Keep your eyes out at that place that you and your friends hang around... you never know if you might bump shoulders with your future spouse there! :)


Keep your chin up and don't coorespond with that RUDE girl anymore... you are nice to give her a chance - but she sounds like ahuge waste of your time (that could be spent doing much more productive and less-heart-breaking things!)


Take care of yourself! :)

Its seems like every girl i meet latley, is nice to me for about a week or 2 and then she dissapears off earth. I met this girl the other day off the internet. She lives local to me. She kept saying before we met that she was ugly and that i probably wouldn't like her. Let me add that she came to me, I didn't go to her. We met in person last week for the first time. I liked her alot. She is very pretty and i was interested in getting to know her better. I asked her what she thinks of me and she says that she likes me alot. She emailed me alot for a couple days and acted like she was really interested in me. She said that she could go out with me Sunday. Well, Sunday i called her and asked her if we was going out and she said that she was too tired to go anywhere, that she has been working hard. ok so she says that we could possible do it Tuesday. ok Tuesday rolls along and i call her and she is not home. I left her a message to call me whenever she gets home. She never called. So later on that evening i get online and she is on there. I told her that me and some of my friends are going to a local club this weekend, (one that she goes to alot) and i asked her if she wanted to meet me there and she says she doesn't know. Then i asked her if she is going up there with a dude or something and she says that a guy friend might go with her and that she is not sure if she is meeting him up there or not. Every time i asked her a question, it took her like 5 minutes to reply back to my IM. I asked her why and she says she is talking to bunches of her friends online at once. Then i asked her if i can call her and she says no that its too late (it was like 9:00 p.m.) aiight. Then she says maybe we could go out Thursday. After a while of waiting 5 to 7 minutes for a reply everytime i asked her something, i told her never mind that if she's too busy to talk to me that i would leave her alone. She IM'ed me back and said "listen im talking to my friends that are away in college and this is the only way for me to talk to them" i then appologized but she never IM'ed me back so i got off line.


Am i doing something wrong? Is it just a way of her telling me that she's not interested in me? She sure acted like she liked me and stuff, but could she have faked? How do i found out?


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