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how to stop this jealousy before it ruins my relationship

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Greetings All,


I'm new to this forum and greatful that i found it.


i have a boyfriend of 1 year and everything is great we love each other very much. I have an issue with jealousy and it's killing us slowly. he has a "girl friend" of 20 years they grew up together in their home country now they're both here in the US and remained very close friends. We all hang out together and have a good time, her and I get along really good, but for some reason i'm jealous of their friendship like crazy and accuse him of one day them being together. He tells me over and over again that they're just friends, that they're like brother and sister but i'm so insecure i can't stop. can you guys help me on how i can stop this before i ruin my relationsip??

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One thing is dont kept bringin it or try to fight it cause all u are going to do is push him away from you and soon you wont be nothin but a jealous freak to him and will cause u to loose the realationship


Trust me i know went through same thing but iam a guy and was with my girl had guy friend blah blah


I know its extremlly cool but try to play it cool by doing that u will show him that u trust him and. and i bet if u kept kepting it cool not sayin anything about it he will start talkin and hangin out with her less i dont know but those he go places with her alone just him and her if soo i know that drives u freakin crazy just thinkin what they could or couldnt be doing.


But if he is the one God has for u then ever thing will work out dont try to push him away from her it will just push u guys away from each oother just trust in god and things will work out, he may not be the one for u even tho u think ur abouslytly sure he is just trust him u cant kept something from happening she probly is just a friend to him cause if not i mean if they know each other that long feelings like that would of showed up along time ago.


my advice just play it cool see how things work out just ask god to take the jealously away from u he will everytime i do i just feel this peace over come me just trust in him let him be first in ur life. he will make everthing work out give u the best of the best.

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Yeah he still has friends no matter wether they are girls or boys but i know where ur cummin from cos i dont like it when my bf's girl m8s txt him its horrible i completly understand where ur cummin from

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thanks guys, i know it's crazy for me to even think that. we all have friends from the opposit sex and i shoudn't think that way but its because they've been friends for so long since kids and both from the same counrty and religion that i feel like she can be a threat and i feel horrible and such a hipocrite because i'm friends with her too. we chat during the day and go out on weekends as a group of friends. before it was worse they were always play fighting and saying words to eachother in their launguage and that would really get to me so once i started complaining that all stopped, but i'm so crazy about him and really want to believe in him and what he tells me that its so hard to stop this jealousy. he thinks i'm trying to ruin his friendship with her witch is not true, but i understand why he feels that way. the other day i got him so upset abou this that he told me "friends will always be there, girlfriends come and go" and i don't want to believe that he meant this becasue i know he loves me very much. aaahhhh i hate this.

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