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Restraing order?

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My girlfriends parents dont like me i quess they just decided to let us know this lol we been together for a year and now her parents are saying that if they catch us together again they are going to get a restraing order can they do that cause we are both 17?

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mørkt selvmord

you guys have sex or something? :confused:




can you explain a little more?



get her mum flowers to show her your not gonna kill her daughter.. and just be really nice to her dad.. hes the one with the power to hire a hitman and kill you..





lol.. just kidding :p

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No her parents want her to be with this guy whos coming back from the army cause he got MONEY lol

but they dont wanna admit to it. but me and her parents been real good friends since i started going out with her i would hang out with her parents whenever she wasnt there if she was at work or something but all of a sudden they want us to be split up i mean thats messed up big time i cant even go over there anymore they dont even want me to talk to her on the phone. how could me and her parents be so close good friends but all of a sudden like turn on me?

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mørkt selvmord

the other guys a rich **** and they want her daughter to rely on a man who has money that they can use as well? why go out withsome guy in the service? i promised myself id never do that bcuz my uncle's in the army.. i cant tell you how hard that is.. hes shipping back off to iraq at the end of the month.. we know for sure he might never return home.. :(


i really dunno..


ive grown up well for my age and depend on myself.. at my age.. well.. im way too mature.. i think i need a trip to disneyland o.O therefore im not going to depend on some guy for anything.. that way if he ends up a wife beater or w/e.. i can just say f*ck you! and walk out.. you should explain to her parents that money isnt everything.. i mean.. for over a year and they are like 'oo!! rich guy!! *daughters name* date him now! dump that other guy uve got bcuz this one has money!!' whats this guy like anyways?



dont mind mistakes... im working on 1 hour of sleep and 15.. soon to be 16 cups of coffee



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This guy is extra close to her mom he use to live with her went out with her older daughter my g/f says hes this great guy blah blah seems like this perfect guy Lol iam 17 his like 20 something i think her parents are like getting to her or something i dunno why cant i be rich come on iam only 17 what much can i do i am still in school.

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mørkt selvmord

is this guy a high school drop out? then he joined the army?


*cough* *loser* *cough*


no offense to others out there!.. my bf dropped out for certain reasons.. but hes still very smart =)

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He finished school i thinkm maybee i should just run him over and make up a excuse lol say my brakes wouldnt work and my car just started stiring towards him and i fell alseep lol??????

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mørkt selvmord

no!! thatll make them hate you more..


say the blind man did it!! ;):cool::D


ssh!!! secret!! =X




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To answer your question:


If her parents can prove their case, yes, they can get a restraining order on behalf of their daughter, against you. When she turns eighteen, however, they no longer have a say in the matter. First, a TRO (temporary restraining order) would be granted for the period of about one week. After this, their case would be presented in a family court, where a judge will decide whether or not the order should be made final.


It's quite odd that your girlfriend's parents would want her to be with a twenty year old. It does not appear that they understand much of the law. A relationship between your girlfriend and a twenty year old would be very illegal. If you have done anything illegal then you ought to worry about charges being pressed, and a restraining order. It seems as though they are simply attempting to threaten you, however, which, come to think of it, is illegal. If you have not done anything to break the law, then I would not worry.


The only way her parents can get a restraining order against you is by accusing you, in good faith, of a crime or crimes that they believe you have committed. They would then have to prove their case in court. In my state, the defendent does not have to in any way prove his innocence, and the plaintiff must present nearly the entire case. I'm not sure how much things differ out of New Jersey.


If they decide to try this on you, remember that you are not obligated to speak to any police or detectives, no matter what they say. If they could arrest you they would do so immediately. If they wish to talk to you, you are quite fine, and you should deny speaking with them.


Sorry that you have to deal with what seem like loony parents of your girlfriend.

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do u really love this girl??


Can you see ur self bein with her for the rest of ur life??


I wouldnt want a bf who was in the army cos u would never get too see him!!


My bf has gone from havin no money to havin money an then back to havin none an guess what it doesnt bother me or my family 1 bit i love him for him not what he does or doesnt have


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mørkt selvmord

money seems like the key issue here.. o.O


money does matter... if your going to marry someone who cant feed you.. there are problems there.. but that relaly hads nothing to do with anything said here.. so.. nvm.. lol

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