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Getting around the awkwardness

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So I've posted a lot in the another forum on here about being in love with this girl who was unsure about me. Cut a very long story short, the other week she finally made a move and we kissed.


We've been really close friends for over two years now, and I was just wondering if anyone has any advice on dealing with the slight weirdness there is at the beginning. It's not so bad for me, because I've wanted this for so long, but she says at the moments because its a new it's a bit awkward. What sort of things should I do to try and ease that? I was thinking it might be good to take her out on a proper date, although we've obviously been out on loads before (well kinda)..


Really hope I don't ruin this chance!!!

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It is awkward at first because you're no longer dealing with just a friend, and there are all sorts of new feelings to figure out. The best way to help her deal with the awkwardness is to be the friend she knows, while being the great caring guy she wants to be with. Show her you haven't changed, and she'll follow your lead.

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Totally agree you have to realize that a HUGE part of any relationship is the friendship you've had. Don't let any of that change thats what she likes. The only thing diffrent will be the showing of affection and the sexual side. A first real date sounds like a good thing. Try to ease into instead of jumping on her the first chance you get..




Good luck..

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Thanks for your replies!


Things are still pretty weird, but only because of me! I've told her that i havent much experience and never had a serious relationship before. The problem is i find it really hard to make the first move, which is pi**ing her off. And i know if i keep being like this she will walk


Thing that is so frustrating is i want more than anything to be close with her, i just have this insecurity that she doesnt want me too, even though shes made it clear she wants me to be more forward. I just dont know how to make that initial move not seem awkward, which i know must sound really pathetic!

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