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Flirty text or confusion?

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I posted here before about a friend who became more and then cooled off. Last I reported I hadn't heard from him in a week. Well, last week he started texting me again out of the blue, and really made a pint of following my online activity - liking stuff on FB and mentioning some of my tweets in his texts. The conversation between us was very fun and flirty and he made a point of telling me I was a professional at teasing him (not in a sexual way). I should also mention that he initiated contact each time.


At this point, the conversation turned to how I was just getting warmed up with the teasing and he said he was "intrigued". I told him not to get me started if he wasn't going to take the bait. He didn't answer for a day and a half. Then he answered me at 1:00 am, coincidentally right after I tweeted something. He said "you can get started any time you like."


To be honest, I'm really bad at determining whether someone is flirting or not, especially over text. It seemed like he may have been flirting but I wasn't sure. I waited until the next day to answer, and my message was teasing, slightly flirty, and I asked him about his weekend. He answered and I flirted back a little and teased him, but then I didn't hear from him for almost two days. I texted him late last evening and said "it's really hard to get you to play with me" in reference to our teasing conversation and him telling me to get started any time I wanted.


He texted me last night at midnight and said "how do you want me to play with you?"


Now, this could either be a really loaded question with a lot of flirt attached, or he could be legitimately asking what I expect him to play. He could be confused by the whole teasing, taking the bait, flirting game reference I was making. So I'm really unsure how to answer him. I don't want to seem too forward and scare him away, but I don't want to drop the ball either.


What do you think? Flirty text or genuine confusion?

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It seems to me he is flirting back...now ask yourself is this how you want a relationship to be if it came to that? I find when you start off with the sexual type innuendo's it becomes a sexual relationship and not much more too it...if you get to talking and texting more make sure you can have a real convo at times also...good luck.

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Most of our conversations are just about our days, mutual interests, etc. it's just over the past week that things have gotten very flirty.


I texted him back and said "I want you to play nice." with a winky face, then I said "or are you asking what I want you to play?" I figured this would keep the teasing tone of the convo while clearing things up.


His answer: "if it was only about want, I'd be playing with you right now."


So really I'm no further ahead. I still don't know what he means, and I don't know if this message means he wants to "play" or if he's saying he would already be playing if he really wanted to.


I'm so awful at reading these things. Maybe it's just that I'm really worried about saying the wrong thing and scaring him off.

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He is just having fun. That's it. Meaningless, flirting that is exciting but NOT a hint to have a relationship with him. This all feeds his ego and it's fun for him to do.


Don't read into it, or hope for 'hidden messages' of what it really means. It is what it is. When and if he feels like contacting you, he will. It's kind of a selfish game, and as soon as you show interest, he backs off. Cat and mouse.


Is it fun for you? My guess is no because you're questioning what is going on and his intentions. you like this guy more than a friend, yet it seems he has no interest in you, in the sense of making a relationship =boyfriend/girlfriend kind of deal.

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Honestly, I'm not looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. I enjoy his company as a friend, and if he wants a little flirty something on the side, that's great and i would love to have fun with that I just don't want to make a fool of myself if I misread his texts as flirting when they aren't. And I don't want to say something too flirty or go too far and drive him away. It just seems that his texts are quite open to interpretation (or maybe that's my insecurity talking) and I want to be sure he's flirting before I respond in kind.

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Sounds to me like he's interested in a brief sexual relationship that doesn't require much effort on his part. When he's not busy with something else, he takes an interest in what you are doing. There are big gaps when he doesn't though. I don't feel he's consistent enough to assume he's interested in a relationship. In fact, all he seems to be interested in is sex. He's responding to sexy flirts but what guy wouldn't?

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I agree with the other posts here. But since you said that you're not looking for a relationship and just enjoying the flirtatious conversations you 2 are having, but just don't want to look a fool, then you're good. It seems that he's taking your texts in a flirty/sexual way. He's enjoying that. And since you are enjoying that as well, then there is nothing left to say. Definitely don't get too caught up in it though.


Good luck to you!

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