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Best part of a relationship??


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So I am sadly not in a relationship, but here is my idea of what I want in one:

* To fully trust the person

* To be able to change my FB status

* To take cute FB pictures

* Having someone to go everywhere with and do fun activities like go to haunted houses in October and Christmas shopping in December

* Having a valentine, and a sweetest day person

* Getting gifts (especially surprise gifts like flowers)

* Planning a future

* Kissing a lot

* Cuddling all the time

* Having someone to text

* Talking about having babies (then potentially having thing)

* Regular sex with one person who loves me a lot

* Texting all day

* Loving them a lot, more than anything and anyone else in life

* Living together

* Saying cute things to each other


I think that is about it, at least all I can think of at the moment, but feel free to contribute. I am not saying this is all I want in a relationship but I think that is some of the important stuff. :love::love::love::love::love:


I want that soooo much!

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I hate to say this, OP, but if FB constitutes #2 and #3 of your 'best parts of a relationship' list, I'd be very, very afraid of dating you if I were a guy... :laugh:

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I hate to say this, OP, but if FB constitutes #2 and #3 of your 'best parts of a relationship' list, I'd be very, very afraid of dating you if I were a guy... :laugh:


Those weren't in order lol just what I thought of first

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The best part of being in an R for me would be: Being in love and having the person whom you love, love you in return. So simple, but yet the most priceless gift in the world, and it saddens me how some take that for granted.

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So I am sadly not in a relationship, but here is my idea of what I want in one:

* To fully trust the person

* To be able to change my FB status

* To take cute FB pictures

* Having someone to go everywhere with and do fun activities like go to haunted houses in October and Christmas shopping in December

* Having a valentine, and a sweetest day person

* Getting gifts (especially surprise gifts like flowers)

* Planning a future

* Kissing a lot

* Cuddling all the time

* Having someone to text

* Talking about having babies (then potentially having thing)

* Regular sex with one person who loves me a lot

* Texting all day

* Loving them a lot, more than anything and anyone else in life

* Living together

* Saying cute things to each other


I think that is about it, at least all I can think of at the moment, but feel free to contribute. I am not saying this is all I want in a relationship but I think that is some of the important stuff. :love::love::love::love::love:


I want that soooo much!


I think it might be to your advantage to put sex ahead of facebook status and taking cute pictures. I almost missed it altogether. :sick:

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Those weren't in order lol just what I thought of first


I think that's the point.

Your sub conscious is speaking the real truth...!

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I think it might be to your advantage to put sex ahead of facebook status and taking cute pictures. I almost missed it altogether. :sick:


Sex has gotten me into trouble Facebook hasn't.

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I'm more comfortable on my own, but I thought I found the right girl (my first serious relationship) but then 2 and a half months later it ended up that I didn't.


But I liked the fact that there was someone who cared about me, and that motivated me to do well because I knew that they'd be proud (kinda like a family thing) and support me through whatever happened!

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Love, friendship and the concept of family. :love:




Feeling connected to someone who is not your blood relative (i.e., it's not their "duty" to be nice to you) who chooses to be there and who has got your back.


Plus there's sex, kissing and pillow talk.

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I hate to say this, OP, but if FB constitutes #2 and #3 of your 'best parts of a relationship' list, I'd be very, very afraid of dating you if I were a guy... :laugh:


I looked at that too and thought wow...


I actually find that annoying and my friend and I have this thing where we guess how long a couple's relationship will last based on how much they like to put stuff on FB. It seemed like the stable couples who were going strong did not post a lot about their relationship on FB while the ones who every couple months had a new significant other constantly had "cute FB pictures" and always had a new relationship status. It's really dumb IMO and every time I see it I think well....you're paving a road to hell. But really, I think people whose priorities are out of wack fancy the appearance of a relationship and the showing off on FB more than people who are a bit more mature. I have no desire for anyone to know my relationshi status on FB frankly, until I'm married, then I'll put that I'm married and probably share a couple wedding pics.



Anyway OP, from your posts on the OW/OM forum, admittedly, I can't just take this post at face value and join in. But based on the fact that you think having a relationship is everything and you seem obsessed with it...I can't really join in to say how great those things are, although some of them are things I enjoy too, but not with the same mindset. You remind me of myself when I was 19...I thought exactly like this. My idea of a relationship was very middle schoolish and all about "fantasy" (talking about babies and all that) and having fun and being able to say I have a boyfriend. It was very shallow and I am happy I got exactly what I wanted to realize how real relationships are more than just FB statuses and saying cute things.

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To be fair to the OP, the fb thing might represent a bit more than on the surface...like what she might actually be craving is someone who is proud to be with her and wants to share that with others. Honestly I don't think it's as bad as many people seem to think it is.

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To be fair to the OP, the fb thing might represent a bit more than on the surface...like what she might actually be craving is someone who is proud to be with her and wants to share that with others. Honestly I don't think it's as bad as many people seem to think it is.


Exactly, my ex and I weren't on fb as a couple and I never met his friends, I met his family but not friends and that bothers me

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Sounds like you just want a boyfriend

To draw attention to youself..


Ill admit it might turn some guys off

But i bet you would make someguy

Feel very loved and appreciated

Seeing himself in pictures with a girl

He really likes....


Last week i went to sing karaoke

And a girl came up to me wanted

Her pic with me...

she ran to the bathroom cropped the pic

Went to facebook added the pic


Came back i asked howed that pic look

she showed me on her iphone..


I thought it was so sweet

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