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So, I met this girl online. She's really interesting so far and really beautiful. The thing is, I live on the West Coast and she lives in the East Coast.


How can we keep things alive since we live such a longs ways from each other?

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I would recommend that you establish certain days/times to connect online. Skype is a really useful tool due to the opportunity of seeing and taking to your SO by video. Email is also an important asset if there are extenuating circumstances and you can't meet. As the relationship progresses you all can exchange phone numbers and plan a future meeting in person to test compatibility. I wish you the best of luck!

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Sign up with several airlines' frequent flyer programs. You will get periodic emails when they have airfare specials, some quite cheap. If you stick to one airline, building up mileage, at some point you will get a free ticket. Check to see which airlines have the best program.

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Although frequent flyer programs would sound like the way to go, unfortunately, I am a 21 year old with a very tight budget. :T


When do you think I should ask for her number? I think taking it step by step would be a better way to handle this. haha I've talked to her the past 2-3 days.

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