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Update-not so depressed anymore!


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Hi everyone and thank you for responding to my post a couple days ago titled-Life took a turn for the worse-very depressed!


Here is the update! My fiance is getting transferred today to a det. center closer to me (about 5min) and also he starts his work release on either Mon. or Tues.! This is how the work release here works- They let them out the door a couple hours before work and tell them to be back a certain time a couple hours after work. They have to give them that couple hours for bus travel. Now he will have to take a bus to work since I will already be at work, but after work I will be able to pick him up and then we will have a couple hours to spend together as a family everyday! :) I am so excited because I will be able to see him in person everyday! He could even spend those couple hours at home with us or we could go out!


He is not so depressed anymore either! We still miss each other terribly and our daughter talked to him on the phone and told him that she misses him and she loves him! Shes 2 and no one told her to say that!


Well I will keep you all updated and again thank you very much for the advice. Oh yeah we are going to talk to the judge to see what we can do about getting married!





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That's great!!! Don't nag him or anything...but please remind him once in a while not to do anything after his release that might violate his probation once again and land him back in the slammer.


It sounds like he landed a pretty good work release arrangement. He's pretty lucky that way. Good luck.


I also hope you can make arrangements through the judge to let him have a few days for the birth of the baby. Let us know.

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That is good news, Heather. Thanks for writing back.


I believe to a huge extent that life and marriage are what you're willing to make of them... I think you're showing the character and hope required for a great, lasting marriage.


I'll pray for a compassionate judge as you ask for the marriage and for his visit when the baby is born.


On an unrelated matter... was it you that had the uncle with kidney cancer? I have heard the United Way can offer home healthcare visits and counseling help for families going through these scary events... perhaps you can contact them for help.

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