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is he too scared to try?

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i am completely in in love with my best friend. we have been thru a lot lately. we hooked up about a year ago, justkissing no sex cause i thought we shoudl sleep on it , I know i'm a moron. the first night we hooked up he named 4 or 5 times he wanted to kiss me and times he thought about us. well after much thought he decided we shoudl stay friends. he was scared to ruin friendship. we still spent a lot of if not all our time together. every once and a while we'd have a huge fight about "us"where he would tell me he doesnt like me. then every once and a while he'd say lets do it. it's ok if we do ect. But i never took any of it seriously cause in the back of my head all I hear is i dont like you like that. We co on vacation, spend holidays together. but as soon as we get close we have a big fight. the last big fight we had he stopped talking to me.


We stayed away from each other for months, which is something we have never done before.

He invited me to a family party and I said no we're not friedns anymore I dont ven know you. he tried to act like nothing was wrong and he was just busy. We went out to dinner and talked. Things were better but it was so awkward between us. then slowly he began to call more and more. and now we started to spend alot of time together. I'm just confused cause he still knows how I feel about him adn he jokes about me loving him and stuff like that. I'm trying to just be his friend but it's hard. I love him so much adn love being with him and he knows it. Which is what kinda bothers me. If it was the other way around I would keep my distance and not go on vacation and whisper in the persons ear . i wouldnt do those things.


Has anyone had a similar experience. does the other person ever come around and tell you how they really feel. He's told me he doesnt know what he would do if we did date and broke up cause he'd lose his girl and best friend. We are really really close and it scares me too but i wanna give it a shot. I just hope he will. what do you think?

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Hi Leslie64,


How old are you and your best friend ??


Maybe he's shy, scared to get hurt or don't want a commitment right now ??

I think you should be open and tell him exactly how you feel... that's the only way you would know for sure.



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I have the exact same situation with you except in reverse...I'm a guy and my best friends a girl. She gave me the exact same response as you, the "I dont like you like that anymore, I only like you as a bestfriend." Its driving me crazy as well. Email or private message me, and maybe if we both talk about the details we can find similarities and come to a conclusion.

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There's nothing better then having a best friend as a lover. I would try to work it out.

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Gonna guess you are young and some of the answers like "best friend to love" works best if you are immature. Once you get past the mid 20s, girls smart up and consider best friends as friends and nothing else.


Why are teens getting advice about love? They have no clue.

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Gonna guess you are young and some of the answers like "best friend to love" works best if you are immature. Once you get past the mid 20s, girls smart up and consider best friends as friends and nothing else.


Actually, the best marriages result from 'friends first' relationships. That's because you go into the marriage knowing who that person is without infatuation clouding your brain. AND you love the person even knowing all about him.


As for your fellow, leslie, only time will tell. If someone 'never' wants to lose you, that means a lot. How you go about that is for you two to figure out.

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I have a similar story, I assume your name is Leslie.

I'm in the middle of a friends to lovers thing too, with a girl named Leslie.

It would be cool if you were my Leslie, but she's not 26.

Well good luck maybe both will end happily.

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Am also in the same position as yourself and in the middle of it. In my own case i am all up for going out with him but he does not want to ruin the friendship but he still fancies me. Now i feel very weired talking to him so i have had to decide to cut all contact with him for the next three months and then call him up.. This is going to be one of the hardest things that i have ever done but it has to be done . I think that he will come around. In your own case i will advice you to do thesame avoid him for a bit fill in your free time with a new hobby and then see what becomes of him he would have missed you a lot by then.

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