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Would you make your boyfriend/Girlfriend get a tattoo removed?

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I wouldn't remove it if it means something to me.


Honestly, I wouldn't ask my boyfriend to change anything of him unless it's a negative influence or character. If he has a tattoo, he has a tattoo. I love him for him, not for what's on his body. At the same time, I learn about why he's got the tattoo and I embrace that. Like for you, you've got a pretty good reason why you have it there. It's part of who you are now. She should be able to accept it and you shouldn't do anything that you don't want to just because.




OP, It's a part of you. Unless you want to remove it and brought that up, I don't understand why she hinted at you removing it. :( To me, that isn't cool.

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That kind of loss is something we never forget. When someone we love dies, especially when they die young and unexpectedly, we don't just file them away in our past and forget about them. Our love doesn't die with the person, it lives on forever and that doesn't qualify as "hanging onto pain". Your gf brought it up because she doesn't possess the emotional depth or maturity to understand that, which is a concern because even most 12 year olds could relate to the concept.

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I really love her and i guess i do still hold onto pain i shouldn't but i just don't get why she even brought it up.
This is obviously something very important to you so I think you should ask her why. Don't ever fear loss when it comes to values and if asking, in some way destabilizes your relationship, she's got some serious problems, problems you don't want to have to continue handling.


Ask. Learn to assert yourself within your relationship.

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I would circle around and ask her. I wouldn't assume that is because she doesn't like tattoos or some other assumption. :rolleyes:


Go to the source and ask her. There may be more there to the request, there may not but she is really the only one that can answer that for you.

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