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Satanism: what i learned

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Get on your knees and thank him instead of accusing him of the human trait of bloodthirstiness.



She is not a Christian. Please don't tell her to get on her knees and thank Jesus when she doesn't even believe? Thanks.


If someone told me to get on my knees and confess that Muhammad is the last prophet, I wouldn't appreciate that, and I wouldn't do it. Why? Because I don't believe that.

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so is thelma totally different from satanism or are their some similarities? I just never heard of it and i feel intrigued by your story.personally i want to check out buddhism but my dad is muslim and forcing his beliefs on me...so i will have to wait


Thelema is a whole different animal and the only relation between the two is the fact that LaVey studied the writings before he started the Church of Satan, but the CoS is significantly more anti-Christian and takes into account a belief in a Christian mythos which Thelema does not.

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Actually, I think medical science might define it as narcissism. if there are any MD's on here they might be able to tell us.



Lol. That is not what narcissism in a clinical sense is about.

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Damn. This thread makes Satanism sound a bit, I dunno, prosaic. Kind of like other religions. :laugh:


I was really hoping to hear about sacrificing unclad virgins to Cthulhu and that sort of thing.

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Damn. This thread makes Satanism sound a bit, I dunno, prosaic. Kind of like other religions. :laugh:


I was really hoping to hear about sacrificing unclad virgins to Cthulhu and that sort of thing.


Nope - Cthulhu is a <ahem> a whole different beast...


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She is not a Christian. Please don't tell her to get on her knees and thank Jesus when she doesn't even believe? Thanks.


If someone told me to get on my knees and confess that Muhammad is the last prophet, I wouldn't appreciate that, and I wouldn't do it. Why? Because I don't believe that.


It's a figure of speech: "You ought to get on your knees and thank the Good Lord...etc..."


Bethebutterfly, you are so sympathetic to non believers and so "unbiased" with regard to your faith that it makes me wonder sometimes..,

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It's a figure of speech: "You ought to get on your knees and thank the Good Lord...etc..."

But understand it is a colloquialism that makes sense to fellow Christians - it is not a phrase that EVER show up in my conversational speech. Nor would "good lord."


Understand the frame of reference, please...

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The nihilst chick
There was only one case where Jehovah ordered "blood thirsty" genocide. It was to get rid of the Nephilim (angelic humans) who had infiltrated the land of Canaan. If God hadn't rid the area of Nephilim, you wouldn't have your Savior Jesus Christ and all humanity would be doomed to hell. This isn't fringe biblical history. It is accepted by numerous PhD pastors (including John MacArthur) as well as every single early church father, without exception, until 450 AD. Get on your knees and thank him instead of accusing him of the human trait of bloodthirstiness.
thank god for having jesus a guy who didnt do a thing crucified and in agony for the sins of humanity.we are not saved we are not forgiven or else people wouldnt be so messed up today.god would do all he could to at least give relief to his own believers but fails to do that. forgiveness is not sacrificing someone it is the decison to give up all bitterness and anger and moving on.the crucification of jesus was retribution and disgusting. And jehovah was bloodthirsty when he drowned everyone out of rage when he wiped out sodam and gormora.i rather burn in hell than worship him.
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The nihilst chick
Thelema is a whole different animal and the only relation between the two is the fact that LaVey studied the writings before he started the Church of Satan, but the CoS is significantly more anti-Christian and takes into account a belief in a Christian mythos which Thelema does not.

I shall look thelma up.and your right the church of satan is definitely antichristian i read that anton viewed it as hypacritical b.s basically.

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I had only respect or admiration for buddhism and no other philosophy or religion at first but its extended to SATANISM of all things. I would not have imagined that it would be anything than what i was taught worshipping and sacrificing people to the devil.of course i dont agree with everything in buddhism like reincarnation etc since i am atheist and believe once u die thats it. Same with satanism i dont understand or agree with their magic rule or vengefulness but i agree with not deceiving yourself,going with the flow just to fit in etc.both satanism and buddhism teach u to question etc and not to cling to some external thing for comfort.you have to find it within yourself.course satanism is for indulgence while buddhist is for a more moderate path etc.both are atheistic too so maybe it is no suprise i agree with satanism since i do agree with buddhism.

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Makes you wonder what, that she's not a True™ Christian? Go on, say it if that's what you mean.


Nah, but you just did. Thanks for taking the presumptuous road as usual. All I ever do is compare what people say to what the Bible says--nothing more, nothing less.

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There are no "standards of Right". Ethics is balderdash. Each Star must go on its own orbit. To hell with "moral principle"; there is no such thing.


—Aleister Crowley[77] (Thelema)

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Oh, please, half the Western world is based off of Scruptural themes and references.

And then there is the other half....


I shall look thelma up.

That would be ThelEma. Looking up thelma will get you Thelma & Louise...:eek:


There are no "standards of Right". Ethics is balderdash. Each Star must go on its own orbit. To hell with "moral principle"; there is no such thing.


—Aleister Crowley[77] (Thelema)

Every Man and Woman is a Star...

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It's a figure of speech: "You ought to get on your knees and thank the Good Lord...etc..."


Bethebutterfly, you are so sympathetic to non believers and so "unbiased" with regard to your faith that it makes me wonder sometimes..,


Statements like this ^^ when I was a child would have sent me to my room to ponder on respect for others and their beliefs and my 'specialness' verses theirs. Humility would have allowed me out of my room.


I see Bethebutterfly as secure in her faith, no need to argue or debate it. It is HER path and it is to be respected.


One who has to argue their beliefs are ones who are not strong in their beliefs.


aaahhh, freedom.

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Damn. This thread makes Satanism sound a bit, I dunno, prosaic. Kind of like other religions. :laugh:


I was really hoping to hear about sacrificing unclad virgins to Cthulhu and that sort of thing.


This seems to be a good reference source on what Crowley and followers believe and get up to.


Secrets of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) – Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss, Hermann Joseph Metzger, Chevalier Le Clément de St.-Marcq, Spermo-Gnosis, spermatozoon, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Episcopi Vagantes, Amrita, transgener, transident, Gn


Click onto the icons at the bottom of the page for further info.


And the initiation/mass -


Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Take care,

Eve x

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Well, that was an interesting read. **** me! .. and people complain about the OT!


OP, if you get involved with any of that which is comprehensively highlighed in my links (above) - whatever happens to you will serve you right, lol.


Take care,

Eve x

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Well, that was an interesting read. **** me! .. and people complain about the OT!


OP, if you get involved with any of that which is comprehensively highlighed in my links (above) - whatever happens to you will serve you right, lol.


All those things you posted barely scratch the surface of the experience. And - like sex - you can read about it but without fully living it firsthand, is meaningless.

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All those things you posted barely scratch the surface of the experience. And - like sex - you can read about it but without fully living it firsthand, is meaningless.






Well, what matters is that the OP knows what is involved prior to getting involved. She may love it too!


Take care,

Eve x

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*Eve wonders if this is the practice that government illuminati folk are all supposed to be involved with?*


Wow.. makes sense. The anti semetic links, child abuse..


Take care,

Eve x

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The nihilst chick



That would be ThelEma. Looking up thelma will get you Thelma & Louise...:eek:

so you worship egyptian deities or is that wrong?
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Wow.. makes sense. The anti semetic links, child abuse..

Huh? Where are you getting anti-semitism and child abuse??



so you worship egyptian deities or is that wrong?

We don't worship any deities. I was briefly involved with the Church of the Eternal Source - and a LOT of those people are also in the OTO - but the general philosophy is that most mythological deities have correspondences and similarities with others.


i.e., Jesus was born of a virgin. So was Horus. Jesus was the son of God. So was Horus (Osiris was his father). Birth was heralded by a star. Both births were witnessed by shepherds. Herut tried to murder Horus. Herod tried to murder Jesus. Neither were successful. Both had a break in their timeline (ages 12 to 30). Both were baptized at the age of 30. Both of their baptisers (Anup and John) were beheaded.


Again, we don't worship any deities. We study them to see how they are all very, very similar.

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It's a figure of speech: "You ought to get on your knees and thank the Good Lord...etc..."


Bethebutterfly, you are so sympathetic to non believers and so "unbiased" with regard to your faith that it makes me wonder sometimes..,


Different strokes for different folks. Beth's non judgemental and sympathetic stance is the very thing that may make people more open to hear what she has to say about what she believes in. Most people don't care much for listening to people talk who are completely convinced of their absolute rightness in everything they say.

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Different strokes for different folks. Beth's non judgemental and sympathetic stance is the very thing that may make people more open to hear what she has to say about what she believes in. Most people don't care much for listening to people talk who are completely convinced of their absolute rightness in everything they say.


I'm not convinced I'm right about everything I say. I'm convinced everything is right that the BIBLE says. (And to be fair, I have fully admiited when the Bible is "up to interpretation"--such as regarding marriage/divorce.)

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Step back and take a broad perspective. Obviously whatever Satan worship and Luciferianism actually ARE, they're never going to appear on the surface as evil, awful, horrific, murderous, atrocious, etc. Satan doesn't work like that. Paul said that Satan even masquerades as an angel of light. Therefore the people who follow him actually, in their hearts, believe they are doing the right (and even good) thing. This is why the Bible says that "all a man's ways seem right to him". Additionally we aren't to trust our own reasoning, but ONLY the reasoning of God's Word.

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