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being used?

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There is this guy that I really like. I told him so hoping to get some where with him in a relationship. He told me that he was TALKING to some girl and that he wasn't sure where that was leading you to. But yet, he still flirts with me non stop and holds the whole situation over my head. It is rather frustrating, because every time I think that i am getting somewhere with him..something blows up in my face and I get knocked a few steps back. It is like a no win situation, but everytime I see him I REALLY fall hard and get so depressed! It wouldn't be so bad if he would just come out and say that there is no chance for us, but that isn't the case. He just flirts with me, knowing how much I like him. I don't know if he is torn between us or if he is just using me as a toy on the side. I have tried to talk to him about it but he just acts like he doesn't know what to say and changes the subject. I wish I knew if this is just hopeless or if there is a chance that I might get somewhere with him. Any advice anyone could spare would be greatly appreciated considering I don't have the vaguest idea what action I should take!


~hopelessly confused

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it sounds like he's just eating up all the attention you're giving him and has no intention of reciprocating. Don't let him do that, find someone new. If he wanted something to happen between the two of you, he would have made a move.

There is this guy that I really like. I told him so hoping to get some where with him in a relationship. He told me that he was TALKING to some girl and that he wasn't sure where that was leading you to. But yet, he still flirts with me non stop and holds the whole situation over my head. It is rather frustrating, because every time I think that i am getting somewhere with him..something blows up in my face and I get knocked a few steps back. It is like a no win situation, but everytime I see him I REALLY fall hard and get so depressed! It wouldn't be so bad if he would just come out and say that there is no chance for us, but that isn't the case. He just flirts with me, knowing how much I like him. I don't know if he is torn between us or if he is just using me as a toy on the side. I have tried to talk to him about it but he just acts like he doesn't know what to say and changes the subject. I wish I knew if this is just hopeless or if there is a chance that I might get somewhere with him. Any advice anyone could spare would be greatly appreciated considering I don't have the vaguest idea what action I should take! ~hopelessly confused
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Hopelessly Confused,


Some people like to go around leaving victims. Get out before you are hurt more. Even if you ever "get with him," he is going to do the same thing. How can you ever be sure he will ever love just you. He's a player and you've been played. No revenge. No scene. Just lose him.



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hey knows full well what he is doing, and from the way it sounds he is just using you, so my advice is to ask him one last time where things stand then just move on becuase he doesn't sound like he's really interested in a relationship.

There is this guy that I really like. I told him so hoping to get some where with him in a relationship. He told me that he was TALKING to some girl and that he wasn't sure where that was leading you to. But yet, he still flirts with me non stop and holds the whole situation over my head. It is rather frustrating, because every time I think that i am getting somewhere with him..something blows up in my face and I get knocked a few steps back. It is like a no win situation, but everytime I see him I REALLY fall hard and get so depressed! It wouldn't be so bad if he would just come out and say that there is no chance for us, but that isn't the case. He just flirts with me, knowing how much I like him. I don't know if he is torn between us or if he is just using me as a toy on the side. I have tried to talk to him about it but he just acts like he doesn't know what to say and changes the subject. I wish I knew if this is just hopeless or if there is a chance that I might get somewhere with him. Any advice anyone could spare would be greatly appreciated considering I don't have the vaguest idea what action I should take! ~hopelessly confused
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Stop stroking his self-serving ego! Time will tell you what the deal is with him but don't let his flirting get to you. Remember that every time he flirts with you, he is not doing it to make you happy but (it seems)to keep you interested in him which boosts his opinion of himself. Walk away. If he follows for a long while, then consider it. Make him deserve the attention he is getting from you.

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