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What constitutes cheating? (an extended list never before seen!)

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I have been reading a lot of posts on what people think constitutes cheating and am very interested to see very short lists of behaviors to pick from so I thought that I would come up with a more comprehensive list and get your opinions and preferences on the matter. Imagine your significant other is engaging in these behaviors either with a stranger or with a friend of theirs. Indicate whether maybe some of these behavior would be okay with a friend and not with a stranger or neither one. This is for straight and queer people. Keep in mind if your gay or lesbian, the person would be another male or female.



First of all can people answer if they consider these behaviors cheating or not cheating and secondly, tell us about your comfort level if your significant other engaged in these behaviors. For example, if it would make you feel:



1.extremely comfortable

2.very comfortable

3.slightly comfortable

4.slightly uncomfortable

5.very uncomfortable




You can just use the numbers from above to indicate your comfort level.

Keep in mind that all of these behaviors are intentional not by accident.




1. kiss on the cheek

2. kiss on the lips (a short peck)

3. kiss with tounge



Physical Contact

1. Hug (i.e. when meeting and saying goodbye)

2. A long hug

3. Cuddling

4. Spooning

5. Dancing without any bumping and grinding

6. Dancing with bumping and grinding

7. Lap dance from a stripper or other person

8. Back massage

9. Full body massage

10. Playing footsie




1. Flirting with a friend

2. Flirting with a stranger




1. Sleeping in the same bed without physical contact

2. Sleeping in the same bed with physical contact (for example hugging, cuddling, spooning)

3. Sleeping in the same bed with kissing and physical contact (see above)

4. Sleeping in the same bed in the nude without physical contact

5. Sleeping in the same bed and having sexual contact




1. Oral sex

2. Digital stimulation (fingering) Hand Stimulation (hand job)

3. Conventional sex with penetration or genital contact (penis/vagina, vagina/vagina, penis/anus)




1. Being naked in the presence of another person

2. Both parties being naked (w/o contact)

3. Showering with another person (w/o contact)

4. Showering with another person (w contact)

5. Attending a strip club (w/o contact)




1. One person masturbating in front of another

2. Mutual masturbation (w/o contact)

3. Mutual masturbation (with contact)


Thanks for your help!

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1. kiss on the cheek (1-2)

2. kiss on the lips (a short peck) (3)

3. kiss with tounge (5)



Physical Contact

1. Hug (i.e. when meeting and saying goodbye) (1)

2. A long hug (1)

3. Cuddling (3)

4. Spooning (4)

5. Dancing without any bumping and grinding (1)

6. Dancing with bumping and grinding (4)

7. Lap dance from a stripper or other person (1)

8. Back massage (5)

9. Full body massage (5)

10. Playing footsie (5)




1. Flirting with a friend (3)

2. Flirting with a stranger (4)




1. Sleeping in the same bed without physical contact (3)

2. Sleeping in the same bed with physical contact (for example hugging, cuddling, spooning) (5)

3. Sleeping in the same bed with kissing and physical contact (see above) (5)

4. Sleeping in the same bed in the nude without physical contact (Lol. Like... if one of them were GAY?)

5. Sleeping in the same bed and having sexual contact (6)




1. Oral sex (6)

2. Digital stimulation (fingering) Hand Stimulation (hand job) (6)

3. Conventional sex with penetration or genital contact (penis/vagina, vagina/vagina, penis/anus) (6)

(YIKES, I put down three sixes!!)



1. Being naked in the presence of another person (1) (he has a history of streaking at parties, lol)

2. Both parties being naked (w/o contact) (3)

3. Showering with another person (w/o contact) (5)

4. Showering with another person (w contact) (6)

5. Attending a strip club (w/o contact) (1)




1. One person masturbating in front of another (5)

2. Mutual masturbation (w/o contact) (5)

3. Mutual masturbation (with contact) (6)




Hope this helps!

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But which one of these behaviors do you consider sexual? For example would you consider cuddling sexual?

spending the night on the same bed? Can you be more specific please?

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