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Can pepper spray be use in a fight?


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Well I need a fast resolution to this situation. Don't judge me. I'm only 15 and realized I made a mistake.


Ok, so I made the mistake of picking on her two of her friends, some other girl she knows and her younger brother. We're all in our sophomore year of high school but I've been on their case for about 5 years now.


Thing is I have never had such a difficult opponent. She is older than us by 3-4 years, is bigger than me by 3 inches and fights like a guy. According to her profile on facebook and base on what many said, she does knows how to throw good punches and knock out someone.


She's been threatening to fight me next week for the past days. Can I use pepper spray on her? I wouldn't want anyone at school seeing me destroy. It was her brother that told her first. Grrr. Why did he had to tell her. Now she knows about the other girls I picked on too.

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I tried telling her that her brother is making that up but it didn't work. She replied something like:


Nice try but you're going down and I'll make sure everyone sees it. I've heard enough about you. Scared now aren't you?


She seems mad as hell and talking isn't working out. What now?


I'm gonna have to maze her if she comes near me. But does anyone knows how to fight a tomboy? I've never thrown a killer punch ever in a life. Well not the knock-out ones. This girl knows how to.:(

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Your inquiry is beyond the scope of an anonymous user forum in my opinion. Your parents, the school and the police are your best source of information in this instance. In California, a person can receive fines and/or incarceration for using pepper spray in anything other than self-defense situations, and your situation of a planned/known/prospective 'fight' is not a self-defense situation.


My advice would be to let this cool down over the holiday, presuming US residence, and talk with your parents. Make no further personal or electronic contact with the person.

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Your inquiry is beyond the scope of an anonymous user forum in my opinion.
I know. I'm in a big mess right now.

Your parents, the school and the police are your best source of information in this instance. In California, a person can receive fines and/or incarceration for using pepper spray in anything other than self-defense situations, and your situation of a planned/known/prospective 'fight' is not a self-defense situation.
Well I live in Florida, not sure how is it there. But say if I were to bring the pepper spray to protect myself, that girl comes looking for me and is ready to attack me but I use it on her then wouldn't that be self-defense?


I'm not gonna use it unless she comes charging towards me. I'm scared of her. Yes gonna eventually have to tell my parents about it.

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Tell her your sorry...

tell her you dont want to fight because

You know she would kick your ass


Tell her what she wants to hear maybe she will

Leave you alone...


When i was in school 12th grade

Some guy was gonna beat me up...


I did.just that

I luaghed and so no way man you'll

Kick my ass...i got called a pussyy

But who cares...


After highschool i grew 4 inches

Went from 135lbs to 200lb

saw him 3 yrs later he was still


I called him out told him i was ready for

That fight....

He said oh that was highschool man

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Another thing if I get my parents and school involved, they will obviously then want to find out how all this started. No one knows I've been teasing them all for 5 years. I heard you can get suspended for that as it's getting stricter everyday.


I never got suspended nor gotten a detention ever in my life. That's not gonna look good on my record nor 3.6 GPA.

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Tell her your sorry...

tell her you dont want to fight because

You know she would kick your ass


Tell her what she wants to hear maybe she will

Leave you alone...

Hopefully it works. What if it doesnt? I don't want to get beaten. Never ever been beaten before.
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Hopefully it works. What if it doesnt? I don't want to get beaten. Never ever been beaten before.


No. Don't do that. Like Carhill said, tell your parents what's going on.

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No. Don't do that. Like Carhill said, tell your parents what's going on.
I did. They're gonna go to school with me on Monday.

I know by then I will have to also explain to the principal how this all started. I just hope at most, they will just give me a detention, not a suspension. That's the rule in my school; anyone caught picking on someone, teasing, etc can possibly get suspended for 2-5 (depending on what he/she did). That will ruin my chances of getting into a good college.

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Feelin Frisky

I'm not giving advice about what you should do. I carry "pepper gel" instead of spray because it doesn't blow back in your face and if you hit you assailent with it in face they only make it worse by rubbing it in. I walk long distances for exercise and was assaulted by a mob once a long time ago. I also fear aggressive animals. I haven't had to use it though. Just my policy on it.

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