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Another Argument Against Infidelity


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I heard this mentioned in an episode of "Numbers" last night--


That there's a new strain of gonorrhea that's resistant to most available drugs, and is on it's way to becoming a superbug. Essentially untreatable.

So--I decided to look it up today, out of curiosity.



Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea - STD information from CDC




Untreatable Multi-Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Sex Bug on the Way


For anyone reading who may be considering cheating---please be fully informed of what you may be exposing your spouse, or partner to.

Please--------- think before you act.

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Thanks for that information. Given that the bacteria is easily transmitted via multiple methods of contact, penile-vaginal sex is only one area of risk. As DNA testing is increasingly speedy, accurate and cost-effective, one can effectively mitigate the risks, though this can be problematical with a non-monogamous partner.


Historically, such arguments about other STD's, along with a choice to have sex within monogamous and exclusive relationships, were inhibitions for myself against engaging in PA's, even if an emotional involvement was evident and strong at the time. If I was unsure of the party's relationship status as being single, I abstained.

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