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Friends of More? I'm Leaving, So What to Do?

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Not sure how to start....I have a male friend who I've known for just over a month. We talk a great deal online and have done stuff together on several occasions (movies, hanging out at his house, a concert). I feel we have a great deal in common. Still, though I know we're definitely good friends, I don't know whether or not to classify those meetings as "dates" or not. Would he be going to movies and a concert with any other female friend? In fact, neither of us has even mentioned the big "d" word to the other. It would seem that the obvious course of action would be to simply keep doing things and getting to know each other better, but life has decided to complicate things.


I won't go into reasons, but I'll be leaving in just a few days and will be gone the entire year and unable to visit my "friend." I'll be trying to communicate with email, but I don't know how often I'll be able to. I guess I have several questions. How can I tell where our relationship is headed (if anywhere)? And is there any way I can maintain even a friendship while I'm gone?

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If you are leaving for a year...my advice would be not to continue a relationship. Only be friends. Allot can happen in a year. I would continue to email and be friends. A realtionship that starts out only as friends in the best kind!

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I did forget to mention that the friendship we have is already somewhat long-distance; he lives about an hour away. I'm not sure if that changes things at all...

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