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The dating world can be like a bad boss...

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...because, like a bad boss, the dating world will try to make you believe you won't be any good on your own... that sticking with it is your best hope, and you have no choice but to let it abuse you and mess with your mind.


Well, guess what... bad bosses are easy to fool, if you can make yourself indispensable. Then when you do hand in your walking papers, your old bad boss ends up going broke because he has no idea how to manage things properly, and you end up in a new job somewhere else that you're happy with.


Dating was a waste of my time and money, and I put up with all the usual BS---"the right one will find you when you're not looking", "it's so nice of you that you cared for your dying mother", "women LOVE tall guys", blah, blah, blah... once I gave up dating and started doing things I enjoy, guess what... the right one DIDN'T show up, LOL! (Three wrong ones did, however).


Work on your myths a bit more, folks. Maybe someday, you'll find some dumb sucker who'll believe them! :lol:

Edited by El Brujo
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