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Why is my partner of four years still regularly masturbating while looking at semi-dressed/naked women on the computer web?


He has been doing this for a long time, but he continues to do it despite the distress it gives me.


Since I found out about the pornography I have struggled to like and stay with him; I find him less attractive and my libido has reduced significantly. Lately I've pretended to enjoy sex and have an orgasm just to get him off, but sometimes I do like it. I have been taking a tranquilizer pill to be able to do it for a long time now. I take a tranquilliser just in case now, every day. Once he had sex with me while I was asleep (I woke but pretended to be asleep). What do you think about this? The internet pictures sicken me, I quite often can't get it out of my mind and sometimes I feel afraid.


I read these pictures etc have been altered by airbrushing and other tricks that are used to show the woman in a flattering light. He seems to think this is how women should look as he is critical of others appearance. He used to dislike his ex-partners wearing anything too sexy as he said it might attract sick or weird men or similar words, I can't remember exactly. He is only very-very average looking. How can I, as a normal nice looking woman (but size 14) compete with his delusion?


How would men feel if their female partner did this to them? Maybe I should try masturbating to images of men. HONESTLY, how would a man TRULY feel?


What exactly is voyeurism? Is it a peeping Tom? This is where he looks most times. Would he peep at me then? How does it compare with the other abnormal ones? I read it was a sickness in the mind called schizoid or schizophrenia. Do I need to be concerned and if it is a sickness in the mind then what can I do? How do I know he isn't peeping at me or monitoring me? I feel scared and upset. Please help.

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Why is my partner of four years still regularly masturbating while looking at semi-dressed/naked women on the computer web?

Most likely, he is addicted to sex or masturbation. When


you are finished reading my post, go back to the LoveShack


homepage, go to the top and click "links", then click


on "addiction and recovery", then click "sexual


addictions." You get a great deal of helpful information


there. It is possible he is not addicted but sick in


other ways. He may be bored. He may have been hypnotized


to do this. There are just so many possiblities.


Once he had sex with me while

I was asleep (I woke but pretended to be asleep). What do you think about this?

If you were asleep, totally inanimate, and he actually


thought you were asleep, I personally think that's VERY


SICK!!! It's almost akin to necrophilia, which is the


patholigical desire to have sex with dead bodies...as in


a funeral home. Yes, it does happen. If he's got that,


run for the hills. Of course, having sex with a body on


a computer screen is pretty repulsive as well but even


young boys pull out their dirty magazines in the bedroom


or bathroom when parents aren't around. It sort of a


growing up thing. Yeah, maybe your guy just hasn't or


can't grow up.

I read these pictures etc have been altered by airbrushing and other tricks that are used to show the woman in a flattering light.

I know some women who really do need to be airbrushed.


How can I, as a normal

nice looking woman (but size 14) compete with his delusion?

You can't and you aren't. No matter what you looked it is


highly likely he would still do his Internet thing because


of his illness. You are just fine.

How would men feel if their female partner did this to them? Maybe I should try masturbating to images of men. HONESTLY, how would a man TRULY feel?

It's pretty sickening. If the women would get herself


help instantly, I might wait and support her through


recovery. If she would not seek counselling, treatment or


a recovery program, it is likely I would leave her...very



What exactly is voyeurism?

Voyerurism is the preoccupation for and pleasure seeking


of watching others, unobserved, in the act of undressing,


in the state of undress, having sex, or basically doing


anything sexual. An example would be peaking into a


person's window to watch these things...or you could


probably stretch it to include looking at pictures taken


by cameras peaking at this sort of thing. Voyeurdorm.com


is an extremely popular website, often featured in news-


paper and television news stories, where cameras are


mounted all over a dormitory and subscribers get to


observe everything in every room 24/7. Of course, the


ladies, in this case, are aware they are being watched and


are well paid. Victims of true voyeurs are usually never



Is it a peeping Tom?

It could be. A peeping Tom usually is happy just looking


at whatever he's lucky enough to see. The normal goings


on are just fine to a peeping Tom. A voyeur, on the other


hand, is seeking sexual gratification by observation.


This is where he looks most times. Would

he peep at me then?

Sorry, you really didn't say where he looks most times. I


am assuming you mean the computer screen. I wouldn't put


him in the category of a peeping Tom but that's really


an insignificant point here. He has a terrible problem,


whatever you want to call it.


How does it compare with the other abnormal ones?


Abnormal what's. If you mean, psychological pathology,


you really can't compare them. They are all serious


pathological problems. A cold is much worse than an


appendicitis attack. So if you're asking if his problem


is worse than schizophrenia, my opinion is no. If you are


asking if it is worse than a phobia of spides, I would


say HELL YES!!!


I read it was a sickness in the mind called schizoid or schizophrenia.


It meaning what? If you are talking about sexual


addiction, any author who would call that schizoid might


be somewhat in the ballbark, because it is somewhat of


a split from reality...but it is in no way related to


schizophrenia. A schizoid personality and schizophrenia


are not really related unless one has the other.

Do I need to be concerned and if it is a sickness in the mind then what can I do?

The only thing you can do is move out if you are very


bothered. He has to realize he is very sick and in need


of help. You might call one of the organizations in the


links I gave you and ask them what they recommend you do


to get him to realize he is one screwed up dude. If he is


doing this in front of you with your full knowledge while


you are in the room and you are staying with him, you may


need some help as well.


How do I know

he isn't peeping at me or monitoring me?

Unless you catch him, you don't. You could place surveillance cameras in your place. If you are developing paranoia regarding this, you need to pack your things right now and get away

I feel scared and upset. Please help.

I hope what I have written helps you a little. However, I


think that any self respecting woman would not tolerate


this and would leave immediately.


I hope some ladies will comment on your plight and tell you what they would do. For me, this is pretty sick and your boyfriend needs help very bad. If he agrees to getting


help, then you have to make the decision as to whether or not you want to hang around during that process.


If he won't get help, LEAVE. THIS WON'T GET BETTER. Frankly, I think it's pretty insulting to you, whether he's sick or not. He shows ZERO respect for your and your feelings. His ONLY excuse is mental illness...if he is so diagnosed.



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My advice would be to leave as soon as possible. This guy has a sick problem - and it does not sound like you are committed to him at ALL! If you have to take a tranquilizer for 'sex' (I put that in quotations... because it sounds like you do nothing - and he takes over - even while you sleep).


My dear Rachel, you deserve better then this! Please get out of there - and tell him to get professional help if he wants you back (that is, if you ever want to go back to him). Have respect for yourself and get away from him.



Why is my partner of four years still regularly masturbating while looking at semi-dressed/naked women on the computer web? He has been doing this for a long time, but he continues to do it despite the distress it gives me. Since I found out about the pornography I have struggled to like and stay with him; I find him less attractive and my libido has reduced significantly. Lately I've pretended to enjoy sex and have an orgasm just to get him off, but sometimes I do like it. I have been taking a tranquilizer pill to be able to do it for a long time now. I take a tranquilliser just in case now, every day. Once he had sex with me while I was asleep (I woke but pretended to be asleep). What do you think about this? The internet pictures sicken me, I quite often can't get it out of my mind and sometimes I feel afraid. I read these pictures etc have been altered by airbrushing and other tricks that are used to show the woman in a flattering light. He seems to think this is how women should look as he is critical of others appearance. He used to dislike his ex-partners wearing anything too sexy as he said it might attract sick or weird men or similar words, I can't remember exactly. He is only very-very average looking. How can I, as a normal nice looking woman (but size 14) compete with his delusion? How would men feel if their female partner did this to them? Maybe I should try masturbating to images of men. HONESTLY, how would a man TRULY feel? What exactly is voyeurism? Is it a peeping Tom? This is where he looks most times. Would he peep at me then? How does it compare with the other abnormal ones? I read it was a sickness in the mind called schizoid or schizophrenia. Do I need to be concerned and if it is a sickness in the mind then what can I do? How do I know he isn't peeping at me or monitoring me? I feel scared and upset. Please help.
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This guy sounds horrible and I wouldn't put up with his crap for even a minute. That is not loving behavior. If you have to keep comparing yourself with internet "hoes" and drug yourself to endure sex with him, it is not a good thing. You need to love yourself better than that.


I consider his behavior to be like cheating. He should be giving his attention to you, not some electronic image of some babe.

Rachel, My advice would be to leave as soon as possible. This guy has a sick problem - and it does not sound like you are committed to him at ALL! If you have to take a tranquilizer for 'sex' (I put that in quotations... because it sounds like you do nothing - and he takes over - even while you sleep). My dear Rachel, you deserve better then this! Please get out of there - and tell him to get professional help if he wants you back (that is, if you ever want to go back to him). Have respect for yourself and get away from him. Please!
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I'm not so sure it's a question of sex anymore, perhaps it is now a matter of respect.


Let me switch to talking of things I do know... Boundaries. You're sacrificing yourself and your peace of mind by allowing him to use you. Set a boundary for him during a peaceful conversation. Tell him how his actions make you feel and tell him what you are willing to do to keep him from hurting this way again... sexual abstinence, emotional distance, whatever you choose that seems appropriate.


And Rachel, when he crosses that boundary, stick to your decision and let HIM suffer the consequences. His response will show you the value he places on you. Your strength in this may help him find the strength to overcome his weakness. At the very least, it will protect your values and peace of mind (and get you off the tranquilizers).


Don't let him pull you with him into this scummy scene.

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Why is my partner of four years still regularly masturbating while looking at semi-dressed/naked women on the computer web?

I'm sorry to tell you this Rachel, but I don't see


anything very wrong with a man looking at pornographic


pictures on the internet or on a movie. Men have


fantasies like this, and some of them need the extra


stimulation. It is better to masturbate looking at


pictures than to engage in illicit sex, wouldn't you


say so? My husband has quite a large collection of erotic


magazines and a couple of porno films that we sometimes


watch together. I like looking at erotic pictures of naked


men on the internet just as much as my husband likes


looking at naked women. The fact that we both do this


openly and this sometimes enhances our own sex life, I


think it is very healthy, in moderation, of course.

What do you think about this?


When I first discovered that my husband had a stack of


Hustler magazines several years ago when I was really


young and inexperienced I did feel hurt and threatend,


but as I blossomed and became less sexually inhibited I


developed the same curiosty as him. In fact, now I am the


one who likes looking at naked material more than him.


How can I, as a normal nice looking woman (but size 14) compete with his delusion?


You are not competing with anyone. It is just a harmless


fantasy. Nothing more.

How would men feel if their female partner did this to them?


Every man is different. It would really depend on what


type of values and views of morality he had. To tell you


the truth, I think that some men would secretly be turned


on if their female partener did this.


Maybe I should try masturbating

to images of men. HONESTLY, how would a man TRULY feel?


Again, one cannot make generalizations here. It would


TRULY depend on the personality of the man. Once my


husband caught me masturbating while viewing some naked


magazines. We just laughed about it, nothing more.

What exactly is voyeurism? Is it a peeping Tom?


I think voyeurism is when a person tresspasses into


another person's private world by watching them secretly.


Sometimes amature erotic photographers are voyeurs because


its the only way they can get a good look at naked women,


and usually they are too shy and sometimes homely in real


life to have a normal relationship with a woman. I can


say this, having been a model for a short time. Of course


there are less obvious forms of voyeurism which are


probably more dangerous than just the obvious peeping Tom


example. A Peeping Tom is usually a harmless, shy person


with little or no self-esteem who exhibits immature


voyeuristic behaviour.


This is where he looks most times. Would

he peep at me then?


I don't know what you mean here.


How does it compare with the

other abnormal ones? I read it was a sickness in the mind called schizoid or schizophrenia.


I don't know anything about schizoid.


How do I know he isn't peeping at me or monitoring me?


I couldn't answer that. The most serious concern I have


with your post is the fact that you have to take a


tranquillizer for sex, and that he had sex with you while


he thought you were asleep. To me, this is a whole


seperate issue than looking at naked women on the internet


and maturbating. I guess the voyeurism aspect adds to the


problem. I would suggest trying to seek the help of a



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Why is my partner of four years still regularly masturbating while looking at semi-dressed/naked women on the computer web? He has been doing this for a long time, but he continues to do it despite the distress it gives me. Since I found out about the pornography I have struggled to like and stay with him; I find him less attractive and my libido has reduced significantly. Lately I've pretended to enjoy sex and have an orgasm just to get him off, but sometimes I do like it. I have been taking a tranquilizer pill to be able to do it for a long time now. I take a tranquilliser just in case now, every day. Once he had sex with me while I was asleep (I woke but pretended to be asleep). What do you think about this? The internet pictures sicken me, I quite often can't get it out of my mind and sometimes I feel afraid. I read these pictures etc have been altered by airbrushing and other tricks that are used to show the woman in a flattering light. He seems to think this is how women should look as he is critical of others appearance. He used to dislike his ex-partners wearing anything too sexy as he said it might attract sick or weird men or similar words, I can't remember exactly. He is only very-very average looking. How can I, as a normal nice looking woman (but size 14) compete with his delusion? How would men feel if their female partner did this to them? Maybe I should try masturbating to images of men. HONESTLY, how would a man TRULY feel? What exactly is voyeurism? Is it a peeping Tom? This is where he looks most times. Would he peep at me then? How does it compare with the other abnormal ones? I read it was a sickness in the mind called schizoid or schizophrenia. Do I need to be concerned and if it is a sickness in the mind then what can I do? How do I know he isn't peeping at me or monitoring me? I feel scared and upset. Please help.
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My boyfriend does look at pictures on the internet and it does make me feel threatned by it. How did you come over it? How to discuss with him? He does not want to share with me, he says it's is business.

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My boyfriend does look at pictures on the internet and it does make me feel threatned by it. How did you come over it?


What do you mean? I think that the more upset you act,


the more he will do this in secret, whereas if you just


act as if it doesn't matter he won't have the need to


hide it so much.


How to discuss with



If you take the approach of accusing him of something


wrong you won't get anywhere, and he will become more


closed. If you approach him in a gentle, teasing sort of


manner he might open up to you. You see, if you want to


communicate with him about this openly you'll have to


do something even more shocking that will arouse his


attention and curiosity. For example, what if you were to


buy a soft porno film for the two of you to watch together


and share your erotic fantasies? Or you can surprize him


by dressing up even more daring than the pictures he


looks and and come onto him at a time when he is doing


something serious, such as counting the bills. The key is


to try to be more creative than him and arouse his


imagination and curiosity.

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Rachael- If your husband is looking at porn, then he does not love and repect you. Staying with him will only do more damage to your self-esteem.


I disagree with those who suggest that you join him in his activity. A loving sexual relationship should come from the way you feel about each other, not from porno that stimulates a desire for someone else.

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