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Does your W Scream or yell at you?


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Basically, she talks to me like dirt all the time and always puts me down and patronises me. I try really hard to live by her house rules, but it never seems to be enough.


Also, if I ever try and enforce a rule (e.g. not leaving shoes in the middle of the floor to be tripped over) she ignores it and if pushed gets really angry about it and just starts saying that she cooks more often and does more cleaning etc so can more or less do as she pleases.


If she is in a bad mood she screams and swears at me and insults my physique (calls me 'skinny boy' and also mentions my race (I am white and she is asian). I then get offended and we end up in a row. I sometimes literally beg her to stop being abusive but it is always turned around and I am the bad guy.


Anyway, not really sure why I'm writing this but it has helped to get my thoughts out...





Wait a minute, your gf isnt my ex wife, is it? :)

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