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Ok here it is. I know this girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, but is really popular and will hook up or find somebody new pretty quick. Here is the question. Me and her are ok friends and used to go out for this little thing which didn't work becauseI wasn't the best boyfriend. We say hi to each other in the halls and occasionally we talk on the phone but that is it. I really want to go out with her, but I don't know how to get her to notice me that I seriosuly want to date her, and I really dont want to just come out and say it either. So what should I do? tell me ASAP! Thanks

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Casually ask her out for a movie or something. Those kind of approaches don't intimidate women and at the same time can make the woman build a trust on you. Good luck!

Ok here it is. I know this girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, but is really popular and will hook up or find somebody new pretty quick. Here is the question. Me and her are ok friends and used to go out for this little thing which didn't work becauseI wasn't the best boyfriend. We say hi to each other in the halls and occasionally we talk on the phone but that is it. I really want to go out with her, but I don't know how to get her to notice me that I seriosuly want to date her, and I really dont want to just come out and say it either. So what should I do? tell me ASAP! Thanks
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Sounds like you are both have a lot of growing up to do. Treat her well, and ask her if she wants to do small stuff. Start slow. You don't have any reason to hurry. Take your time. She'll come around. If not, move on. Perhaps friendship was in the cards, perhaps something different.

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Ask her out to a public place like a movie, or a popular hangout, but take along a couple of your friends and she brings along a few of hers. Sort of a double, triple, etc. date. She won't feel uncomfortable around a group of friends and of course everyone should couple off, and BINGO, you're together. Be extra nice and you might just get her interested.

Ok here it is. I know this girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, but is really popular and will hook up or find somebody new pretty quick. Here is the question. Me and her are ok friends and used to go out for this little thing which didn't work becauseI wasn't the best boyfriend. We say hi to each other in the halls and occasionally we talk on the phone but that is it. I really want to go out with her, but I don't know how to get her to notice me that I seriosuly want to date her, and I really dont want to just come out and say it either. So what should I do? tell me ASAP! Thanks
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You could try talking to her first at school, rather than just hello, strike up conversation. Eat lunch with her. Then when you feel comfortable, call her just to see how she is. Show her your are genuiely interested in HER as a person and that you won't be like you were last time. Realize your mistakes and try to correct them.If she feels like the same thing won't happen again, she'll be more open to it. If she feels like it will turn out like last time, she may be apprehensive. Like the other folks suggested, go out in a group.

Ask her out to a public place like a movie, or a popular hangout, but take along a couple of your friends and she brings along a few of hers. Sort of a double, triple, etc. date. She won't feel uncomfortable around a group of friends and of course everyone should couple off, and BINGO, you're together. Be extra nice and you might just get her interested.


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Right mate you have to be seen as dominating the situation just go right out and ask her out after the first date take her out for another one then start by kissing her on the cheek then on the next date invite her to your place and ask if she wants to come in for a coffee after that your in mate go for the full monty try and turn her on and don't rush any thing she might resist so you have to be very seductive and ware her down slowly then she won't be able to turn back she will be yours good luck mate just go for it


cheer Kiwi Robert

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