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Hi, I came accross this site, it looks really informative, so I thought I'd give it a shot.


What's a normal, acceptable way for a good-looking, personable guy to approach a girl at a college party or bar. Sometimes, I have trouble, and then when I have the confidence, I come off as being too bold.


I am great at making conversation once I get the ball rolling, it's just, like, do I walk right over, or should I make eye-contact from a distance, flirt and stuff first?

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do I walk

right over, or should I make eye-contact from a distance, flirt and stuff first?

You can do it either way. Flirting is sort of nice because you get a good idea of a lady's interest level if she flirts back. Of course, that gives you time to get nervous about making an approach.


I have found the very best strategy is to walk right over and start a casual conversation...introduce myself...and focus the talk on the lady. People love it when you ask them questions about their interests, etc. Don't make the questions personal...just general...but focus on them, let them know you are interested in their lives. If she tries to shift things over to you, stay there for a minute or two and shift back to her.


There is nothing in the world that wins someone over than for another person to be genuinely interested in knowing more about them.


When you do this you need to go over to someone else at a convenient time, move away from the person you are interested in. It's not good to monopolize a lady's time and, trust me, you'll have a much better shot at a date with her if you do it that way than if you stick around her all night until she gets sick of you.


Just be sure you have a friend or other person who knows how to get ahold of her. Otherwise, find out where she works or where she goes to school, what classes she takes, where she hangs out, etc. Then just "accidentally" bump into her a week later...what a coincidence. At that time, reopen the conversation and ask her out. I do that because it's kind of awkward asking for a phone number at a party sometimes...unless you feel very right about doing so.


I know that sounds like a lot of work but in the past it has gotten me dates with more beautiful women than I can count...and I am only average looking.


A good-looking, personable guy who is not pushy, not stuck on himself, easy to talk to....well, let me just say I have no sympathy for you, OK?

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