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Hi. I'm beginning to suspect that the man I'm dating may be bipolar. His sister has been diagnosed as bipolar and he suspects that his mother is as well.

The reason I'm concerned is that one week things go well, really well. He's loving and communicates to me. Then he seems to shut down, no calls, when we do get together it's as if his mind is in outerspace. Then one day he calls and he is happy again, loving etc. This seems to be a pretty regular pattern, every week or two he changes. I know that he actually does function during his "down times", picks up his child and works etc. He complains that he can't sleep, sometimes all night, and that he takes sleeping pills too.

I'm in the medical profession and understand what bipolar is, however, it's hard for me to make this kind of determination when we are only in the "dating" stage. Maybe he's just indecisive!

He's a good guy. I've known him as an aquintance for over 20 years, he's a wonderful, extremely bright and creative man. I would likely opt to stick it out with him.

Would anyone have any advice for me and/or be able to give me an idea of any other indicators to look for?

Thanks! Kathie

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I would go to a web site such as NAMI or another well respected site. I would attempt this at a library or even a college if you live close to one. I only say this because some things are filtered out that have to be paid for though psychological associations. I cannot directly remember all of the criteria that goes along with being bipolar. I do know that there is a small chance that he may have it because of his mother having it (also if he is raised by only her). I did this as a paper and was published by NAMI. However, this is only my thought. The true verdict would be given by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Try to get him to visit one. :)

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Well, he certainly seems to be behaving as someone with Bipolar Disorder. Of course the only one who could make that determination would be a qualified pshychiatrist. I can only speak from the experience of being bipolar myself. i have had many failed relationships. I have nothing bad to say about any of the ladies from my past. It simply proved too much for them.

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i've just read this thread for the first time-i hope you've stuck around or already found the help you need. just in case (and for those of you who stumble upon this thread later...)


here are the threads in which i've posted information about bipolar disorder. why don't you read through them (and the links that i've suggested) and then let me know if you have any questions that i might be able to answer for you








let me also say that I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. i know a lot about bipolar disorder because i have it and because i have read everything there is on it (from websites to scholarly articles to memoirs...) and i ask more questions than Job.


i am more than willing to discuss bipolar disorder with anyone, just let me know how i can help.

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