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I am having trouble with my fiance. We have been together for two years and he has yet to understand what i want as far as sex and the relationship even though i have told him and showed him repeatedly. It has gotten to the point that I have given up on me being pleasured during sex because it is a lost cause. I love him and need help in deciding weather to end it or not. Thanks

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After two years of trying and getting an unsatisfactory response, you either have to decide if you can live with what you have been able to get or you have to leave. It is not likely after this amount of time and trying that he will come around.


The problem is either he is uncomfortable with performing as you have asked or too lazy. Either way, you're not going to get your way. Being satisfied sexually is obviously very important to you and should be.


He really hasn't done anything bad...but in leaving him, if that's what you choose, let him know exactly why. He needs to fully understand that in relationships, part of the give and take is in the bedroom. If you have asked for things he just can't handle, he needs to find a lady with far more simple requirements in that department.

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