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just being freinds and having sexual fun

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being 23 i never had a gf or even a freind who was a gal; so ppl in the forums have told me to make freinds who are just gals. how do u make freinds with girls and just be firends. how would i tell em or make em now that i just wanna be freinds without just tellin em. i mean what would i do or act to make em show that i just wanna be freinds with em


oh ya if the gal i like she lives at home and i live at home oh s** how can we ever f** i mean u need privacy right. any suggestions for ppl like in my situation. that is why i like gals who live alone or not at home lol. well yea i am a guy and i do think about sexx ok. if i am attracted to her my hormones are at a high and i can't control it.

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You haven't even gone out on your first date yet, don't be worried about getting into bed with her now. Worry about the date and how you're going to make her like you. To make friends with girls you do it the same way as making friends with guys (I guess). You don't have to say "Hey wanna be friends?" Just go up, make conversation, get them interested in you, be nice, kind, honest, trustworthy...and you're pretty much guarenteed to get friends. But don't try to make friends just with the hope of having sex with them. If they find that out they will just think you're a pig and word gets around fast.

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You can't make friends with girls you want to have sex with...

Most girls who consider you a friend will not have sex with you...

Go out with girls who show interest in you and keep their interest high enough to develop a relationship...the sex will come.

Desparation is like bad BO. You will wreak of it and girls will run...or call you a friend.

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