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I've had this friend for about 6 months now, he has been a very close friend to me. Recently things have started to get more intimate, it all started with as he coined it "platonic snuggling." I was willing to do this because I have been single for a couple months and I missed having someone to just cuddle up with. Well, recently last Sunday to be exact we were hanging out again snuggling and he kissed me and I liked it so we hooked up over the course of one evening everything happened, then it happened again over thanksgiving. I like him and he likes me. I know he would be happy to date me and even be my boyfriend which makes me feel happy but...


He has close ties with two of my ex-boyfriends that I dated just this year and he knows many of my friends. My issue is the idea of dating someone who knows two of my ex-boyfriends of which I am still friends with as well. He even asked my last ex his best friend if it would be okay if he were to date me in the future long before our hookup took place. I live at one of my ex-boyfriends mothers house currently and he knows that ex's mother. He visits my house frequently to visit my ex's mom which is how we became friends.


Anyhow, I recently mentioned to another best friend of mine and ex-boyfriend that the guy I hooked up with has recently admitted liking me, I couldn't tell him the whole story because I knew his reaction would be "don't do it" I knew it in my gut and I was completely right. I feel like if I got serious with this guy it would bother a lot of my friends, I also feel like I'd be dating a third person who is close and was close to my recent two ex-boyfriends.


My question is should I tell him it's just not possible to continue what we have already started or should I just ignore all of these other issues and give him and I a chance? We both like each other the feeling is mutual but I have these issues in mind, and if it was that we got together I'd feel like I couldn't be open with it to my friends or anyone really and that would probably burden things for me.


I need to make a decision soon before I get more involved in this with him.


I hope that the advice from people here will help me make the best choice for both him and I.

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Maybe try asking your social circle what they think?? You won't beable to hide it forever thats for sure..


I think it really just matters how much you like the guy and if your fears are really worth giving into or not.

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