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Lately, I am not exactly sure what has been happening to me. My ex and I have been apart for a very long time. Over a year now. A couple months ago things were really looking up. I was starting to feel like myself again. I was regaining my confidence and I was happy. However lately, this week especially, I cant think of anything other than my ex. Its really weird. I just want to be with her and talk to her. I thought I was going to be really over her by now and ready to move on to someone better. But for some reason all I want now is her. I was even starting to see all of her flaws, but now its just like her flaws are the best things about her. I dont know what happened. Is this normal? Is this just a minor setback? Should I be taking this seriously? What do I do about this?

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1. I think it is fairly normal given that we are in the thick of the holiday season.


2. Yes, it is probably a minor setback.


3. Define "seriously". I wouldn't be calling up a therapist, but I wouldn't ignore the feelings either.


4. Stay the course. Exercise. Eat healthy. Engage in hobbies. Spend time with friends, family, and pets. Think positive.

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1. Okay good to know


2. Well what else could it be?


3. Well I wont be calling a therapist but at the same time, what do you mean by dont ignore the feelings? Shouldnt I be trying to ignore these feelings so they go away?

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