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Does Anyone Understand This ?

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Here is scenario of what happened :



You dated someone who in worst times of your relationship:

arguing stress of long distance home issues on both sides and so on

cheated on you with same person-s they cheated on you

with once before and you forgave them for it.


And for most confusing part that person knew

stuff about them you never did

its like your/so revealed them their "dark" side.

Secrets sexual and personal stuff

stuff that's happening in their life

that might bring them :o.


Why would someone open up to that point to that person they cheat with and not their s/o why just not form committed relationship with cheater instead ?






ps: Someone dear and near me experienced this and I was unable to figure it out ...

Edited by bluegreen
clearing up point
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...stringing along the LDR....eating ones cake while having it too. In this case it seems the "cheating" relationship is more intimate and legitimate than the LDR.

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