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why do women go from one guy to the next?

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Most women I know who get out of relationships take a few years to get the bad tastes out of their mouths from their previous experiences before they are willing to hold their noses and try it again.

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of companionship?


Fiance broke off relationship a month ago... not for someone else... but because she now WASN'T sure if she was ready for a "lifelong" commitment...


I have alot of friends that would support me... but few(if any) have ever gone through the hardships that I have.... My father passed last summer... my mother means well but has never "been there" for me(apparent to every woman I've had relationships with)...


I'm a pretty strong person, and I know that I will get throught this on my own... but I will, and do have nights where I could use someone to share my day with? Pets know how to listen... but sometimes hearing a voice is much better! I know that its only been a month... I know the whole "if it were meant to be"... and I know that I cant sit around waiting for my fiance to come to her senses...


I've already been approached by other women... but havent even wanted to go there right now... eventually I will cave(testosterone does that to a man!)...


I guess where I'm going with this is, there is no cut and dry answer for how to handle situations like breakups... the heart and mind don't always agree...


I do feel you should let a new person get to know you better if they really try, but just be honest with the "new" person... so they understand your past situation, and current emotions about the EX... that way you don't ruin a chance to meet someone who could POSSIBLY exceed the ex-love-of-your-life!

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Actually, I think its called Borderline Personality Disorder.


My ex showed all the signs of BPD and I just never realized it.


Basically, if the person frequently jumps from one relationship to another and quickly develops it into an intense and seeminly genuine one, they may have BPD.


Another sign is the extreme mood swings for no apparent cause.


Most often they are very intelligent and easy to get to know at first, because they are very good at covering up their disorder problem.

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Wow... safety net huh?


I can see how the safety net theory applies to my ex's situation, but my question is, how can a girl sit there and believe that his support is actually genuine and he's (the net) isn't looking to get some for his 'understanding'?


My ex literally said that she didn't think i was the one and that she need to find out..... what do you think of these cases?

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