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Thoughts of Wisdom out of her calling all of a sudden


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As the dumpee, we all sit hoping for that one phone call, e-mail, contact of some sort by the ex. They step out of our lives, we wonder how could thery be okay after such a long time with me or how can their feelings change so quick or how could they have felt that way and now seemingly don't?


I know these kinds of thoughts and questions ran through my head in the beginning of my break up but now not so much. Time has passed and my thoughts matured and I became stronger. I knew and still know in my heart that the love was real and that's all that mattered. I still wanted that phone call.


Well recently I have been posting that the no contact and all that was working, she has been calling me after seemingly dropping out of existence for months. I figure I'm done, she's moved on and never wants me in her life and then the phone rings. You always wanted it, but now don't know what to do with it now that it has happened.


I don't know what she is thinking or why now all of a sudden, I know it has something to do with her moving out on her own, her financial woes, and mixed in their a little of missing my companionship, somone who truly cared for her.


It's become confusing, she calls just my work. Only twice has she called my cell for me. Everytime she calls my work looking for me, asking me silly questions that make it look like she can't do her job, or asking if my store has something and can bring it to her store. All of a sudden this is happening. Like all this time that has passed her store never needed anything from mine, and there are other stores she could go to or ask from, not mine.


It's like gradually she is working her way up to something or wanting to say more, she always has a hesitation when she calls like she wants to keep talking and leaves with a, well I will talk to you later.


If you love someone let them go, that is what I am doing and letting happen. I made my statements long ago about how I felt for her and what I wanted, now I just let it all sink in I guess and do her own thing, own mistakes, adventures and what not. I have been letting her do all the calling now, not me. She has to show the effort and care as well.


I am a firm beleiver in that if you do not properly deal with something, especially something with a lot of feelings and emotions, that it will come back to you. You can only ignore the problems in your life for so long until you realize what you had was something real and good. Hence all those people that come back to their exes and realize they made a mistake.


I miss her everyday, but more and more I am seeing she does too, and gradually it will work itself out.

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Yeah, my fiance actually left me for another guy about 2 months ago, but she calls me about once a week and acts all funny on the phone to me like she has things to say... She has said that she loves this guy she left me for, but I really don't buy it. She called me yesterday and was saying, "maybe we can get together sometime this week..." though I know this idiot she's dating has told her she is forbidden to speak to me or see me. I keep my distance, generally keep conversations short and act like I'm moving on (which I am) and maybe sometime in the near future when she realizes what she gave up for reasons so shallow and immature she will come back. But I do want her to make an effort to get back to what we have, so I refuse to be there with open arms. I don't know. We just gotta stay strong, keep our minds focused and move on. These girls have to figure all of this out on their own.

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